Tatyana Ali

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Tatyana Ali (full name Tatyana Marisol Ali) American singer R&B and actress, born in 1979. From the age of six started her acting career with the famous children’s show “sesame Street”. Then participated in the TV series “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”, which also starred the young actor Will Smith, who wanted to interest the actress of musical career and the opportunity to cooperate together. But focusing on the TV series, the actress has postponed her musical career before the end of the film. Her debut album “Kiss The Sky” was released only in 1998, it was a great success in sales, and the song “Daydreamin” entered the Billboard Hot 100 top ten of the British chart. The album also included the song in which getting involved will Smith – “Boy You Knock Me Out”. She became the most famous of all songs of the singer. Tatyana Ali continued her acting career, combining it with singing. Starring in over twenty films, the actress continued to work as a talented singer. Versatile and multi-faceted girl who has many awards for her acting talent, she also finished Harvard University with a bachelor’s degree.
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