Summer Bishil

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Summer Yasmine Bishil is a young American actress, the popularity of which came after his role of Jazeera in the movie “at a glance”.
Summer Bishil was born in Pasadena, USA 17 July 1988. Her mother is American with Mexican roots, and his father a native of Saudi Arabia with Indian blood. In addition to the summer family has two more children, summer is the youngest of them. When she was three years old, his parents moved the children to his father’s homeland, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. There the children went to American and British schools. When in 2001 the USA suffered a series of terrorist attacks, Basil moved back to the Mormon community in San Diego. Summer went to public high school but her classmates on the first day it was disliked. Relations were very tense, she was teased and accused her family of supporting terrorism. Then the family decided to return to California in Arcadia, where she gave the children General education at home.
Already with five years of summer dreamed of an acting career. At the age of fourteen she began attending acting classes, after which he signed his first contract with the Agency. Started acting at a small summer children’s and teen shows and programs. The actress ‘ debut was in 2005 in one episode of the TV show “Days of our lives”. Despite the fact that the actress – aspiring, she is very talented and you’ll be a fair amount of hard work. Summer Bishil can be seen in such films and TV shows, as: “Blow, another blow”, “Drake and Josh”, “Hannah Montana”, “Return to HALLOWEENTOWN”,”.”, “Crossing”, “Master of elements”, “Beverly hills 90210,” “Law & order: Special victims unit”, “I zombie”. 2015 has brought the actress a starring role in the TV series “Wizards”. Summer will play the role of Margo Henson – party girl and bright fairy who loves to do magic and have fun.
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