Sophia Loren

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Sofia Vilaine Shikolone born in a Roman hospital for the poor September 20, 1934. She was the second illegitimate daughter of a certain Italian Romilda Riccardo officially married to another woman. The family lived in the port town of Pozzuoli, near Naples, spent the war years in Sofia there. They lived very poorly, grandmother Louise helped as she could: she was taught to cook a future star and deal with the economy. At 14 years old girl took part in a beauty contest and the finals. A year later Sofia with her mother traveled to Rome – to try his luck at acting break. She continued to participate in beauty contests and won titles “Sea Princess”, “Miss Elegance”. During one of these events on the young beauty drew the attention of a member of the jury Carlo Ponti, the film producer, known for being restored Italian film industry after the war. Sofia took second place, and Senor Ponti invited her to audition for the office. It was then that she took the pseudonym “Lauren.”
Initially Ponty saw his protege in sexual images and exploited in the first place its bright appearance. The first tape little known actress. In 1954, the screens released film directed by Vittorio De Sica “The Gold of Naples” Sophie in the title role. That triumvirate Ponti-De Sica Laurent opened a new page in the history of world cinema. Having played Neapolitan shopkeeper, a man of the people, that is, in general, myself, a girl interested critics and demonstrated the various facets of his talent. In the process of close collaboration between Carlo and Sophie affair began. He was married and older than her 22 years. While divorce in Italy was almost impossible, but as they say, for real love there are no barriers. Ponty is not just made of a brilliant actress Lauren, he created it as Pygmalion Galatea: engaged in the formation of women, taught her to move, dress, behave, instilled a love for serious books. However, the student and must pay tribute: she listened, studied, add something of their own, a lot of work.
In 1961, Vittorio De Sica presented war drama titled “Chochara”. The film takes place in Italy during the Second World War, his mother (Loren) and daughter flee the US bombing in his native village Chochara. Sophie received the “Oscar” for “Best Actress”. For the first time in the history of Academy Award in this category was awarded to a film shot not in English.
In the paintings of “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” (1963), “Italian Marriage” (1964), “Sunflowers” (1970), which became a classic of world cinema, partner Loren made by Marcello Mastroianni. This duo is considered one of the brightest and most coherent in the film. Of course, as soon as rumors of a romance between actors. The truth is known only to themselves, and the film star and alleged claims that always loved only her husband, with whom they still secretly married in 1957 in Mexico. According to Italian law, while Ponti was a bigamist, but in 1962 he was able to divorce his first wife and officially register their marriage at home.
Sophie starred not only in Italy but also in Hollywood, has received numerous awards and has become a true icon of cinema. In 1991, the actress was awarded a special award “Oscar” for “a career rich with memorable roles, gives shine netuskneyuschy cinema.” However, despite all the regalia, the main occupation of his life star believes motherhood. She has not been able to get pregnant, and when the miracle finally happened, the light with a difference came Carlo Ponti Jr. and Eduardo in four years. This witty, beautiful woman and brilliant actress imitated worldwide. Lauren herself speaks about life with her usual wisdom: “It may not be beautiful eyes which never cried.”
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