Seth Green

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Seth Green – a famous actor, a successful producer and a talented comedian, screenwriter, also held in the director’s and writer’s case. He performed more than a hundred different roles, and the most widespread popularity gained through the films “The Hotel New Hampshire,” “Something special” series and “Austin Powers.”
Seth Benjamin Green Gessel, better known as Seth Green, born February 8, 1974 Overbrook Park, located in the US city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father worked as a Coat of Green mathematics teacher and his mother was an artist, Barbara Hessel. The future actor was the second child in the family. Despite the fact that Seth’s childhood at first proceeded very mediocre, yet there was something besides studying in school and playing ball, releasing it from the number of ordinary boys. While still a child of six, he began appearing in commercials and TV shows. So, in 1984, she starred in the melodrama Seth Tony Richardson’s “Hotel New Hampshire” and the comedy of Alexander Grasskhoffa, which was released in the US under the name «Billions for Boris». Behind the boy took part in the filming of the fantasy comedy “Something special” film of the legendary Woody Allen’s “The Age of Radio” and the romantic melodrama Steve Resha “Love can not be bought.” This is not a complete list of films in which appeared the young green, barely reached adolescence. In addition, he did not once became a long-term member of many television series, among them – the horror “Dark Side Stories” dramatic telenovela “Spencer” and the comedy “The Wonder Years.”
When the actor was fifteen years old, his unsettled the news that the parents decided to divorce. He was very upset by the collapse of the family, with its inherent impressionable teenagers and vivid manifestation of emotions. However, in spite of life’s troubles, Seth did not stop shooting. On the contrary, every year he is more and more interested in cinema. When studying at the high school is behind us, Greene was able to devote favorite work even more time. He began to think about how to realize themselves in other kinoprofessiyah besides acting.
Currently, Green’s filmography has about one hundred and twenty projects, the most high-profile of which can be called the dramatic film “Stounbruk” an adventure comedy “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery scale” fantastic series “Buffy – the Vampire Slayer”, a horror film “Ruka- killer “, a comedy about the adventures of the British special agent” Austin Powers: The Spy who Shagged me, “a psychological thriller” Shelter nightmares “criminal band” Bouncers “, action thriller” The Italian Job “and dozens of other films and TV series. Recently, Seth fruitfully working on the popular youth animated series “Robot Chicken”, speaking both as a director and as a producer. Green remains faithful participated in numerous TV shows and a very popular Hollywood actor.
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