Sean Bean

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Shaun Mark Bean – English theater and film actor. Known for his roles of Boromir in the trilogy “Lord of the Rings,” James Bond in the film “Golden Eye”, Richard Sharpe in teleekranizatsii historical novels of Bernard Cornwell.
Sean Bean was born on April 17, 1959 in the English city of Sheffield. His father was a welder-owner of a small workshop, which brought a steady income (in particular, the Bean family owned car “Rolls-Royce”). Future celebrity went to school reluctantly and without much success. The only boy ardent passion was football: Sean played for the school team, and did not miss a single game, “Sheffield United” city club. Fans “blades”, as they called the players the club, he stayed for a lifetime, and even after they did a tattoo on his shoulder “100% Blade». Sean dreamed of playing football professionally, but a knee injury has left him a chance to link their future with the sport.
After school, he was at a loss. Finding himself, Sean did not sit idle, worked as a salesman, janitor, mechanic, mailman, a welder. And when he decided that he wanted to have a creative profession, he began to go to college. But, disappointed with the choice, he immediately threw the training. Until finally in college Rotterhema Sean “I felt that he was like” – theater department. 19-year-old Bean decided to become an actor. “My father said to me:” Throw the crap out of my head “, but this crap stuck stronger football!” – He recalls. Education Bean continued at London’s Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.
In 1983, 24-year-old aspiring actor made his debut in the role of Tybalt in the play “Romeo and Juliet” on the stage of a small theater in the town of Newbury, near London. And I flashed on television advertising of non-alcoholic beer. From the very beginning of his career, Sean Bean with dignity serves as a high art and popular culture. Starting as a stage actor, and shining on the stage of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Sean does not neglect the shooting in the television series ( “Midsomer Murders”, “the Screen of Two”, “One screen”, “Inspector Morse”, “Clarissa”). For the first time in the movie appears in 1986 in “Caravaggio” movie, and then in the movie “Stormy Monday”. For 32 years Sean Bean played more than twenty television projects, he has two daughters and a good wealth. However, it can hardly be called a very successful actor.
Everything changes when his claim to the role of an Irish terrorist Sean Miller in the film “Patriot Games”, which makes it a prominent actor in England and in America. Then he gets his truly “star” role. 33-year-old Bean is invited to a television series about the hero of popular historical novels of Richard Sharpe. Despite the fact that Sean had never served in the army, he succeeds brilliantly embody on-screen image of Lieutenant Royal Fusiliers. Bean plays it for 15 years, participating in all the film adaptations from 1993 to 2008, in parallel managing to act in films, commercials and play in the theater. In 1996, he appears on screen in the role of Agent 006 in “Golden Eye” and Vronsky’s image in the film “Anna Karenina”.
The global popularity of the actor catches to 42 years, when it becomes Boromir in the trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”, Tolkien removed by bestseller. After filming on his shoulder, “Boromir” there is another tattoo – in the form of Elvish “9” symbol. Later Sean Bean can be seen in many cash projects: “Game of Thrones,” “National Treasure,” “Troy,” “Silent Hill”, “Soldiers of Fortune”, “Mirror Mirror”. And Sean’s childhood dream has come true after all: it professionally connected with the sport, as in 2002, became a member of “Sheffield United” football club Board of Directors.
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