Scott Glenn

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Birthday: 26.01.1941 year
Place of birth: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Citizenship: United States
Original name: Theodore Scott Glenn
Scott Glenn urban cowboy
Heroes of American actor Glenn Scott remembered even when he appears in a short episode, and utters one sentence. His image as a harsh and somewhat brutal strong men over the years, not only has not lost the charm, but seems to have become even more attractive.
Glenn Cattle considers himself a descendant of Irish and Indians of North America, and his tall, slim figure and clear-cut facial features make believe it. He was born January 26 1941 in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), the son of businessman Theodore Glenn and his wife, Housewives Elizabeth, where, in addition to him, there were also two sons, Bonnie and Terry. As a child, Glenn was seriously ill, and have spent a year bedridden. Doctors predicted that the boy on all life remains crippled, but Glenn read a biography of Lord Byron decided that will cope with the disease. Constant training and will power did the trick – the boy was as fluid as his peers. After graduating from high school, Glenn began to study English at the College of William and Mary and then joined the army, where he served three years in the marine corps.
After demobilization Glenn Scott began working as a reporter for the evening newspaper of the city of Kenosha (Wisconsin). After a few months of work he realized that his classical English language is not very suitable for writing sharp notes and live conversations, and enrolled in acting classes. Classes suddenly seemed Glenn is very exciting, and in 1965 he moved to New York and enrolled in Drama school of George Morrison. Scott worked as a participate in student productions and performances on the stage of the experimental theater club La Mama, and in 1965 made his Broadway debut in the play ‘the Impossible years’. At this time he met artist keramidas Carol Schwartz and to marry her adopted Jewish faith. In 1967, their wedding took place. The family of Glenn and Carol are currently two adult daughters – writer Dakota Anne and actress Rio Elizabeth.
In 1968, Glenn Scott joined the troupe of The Actors Studio, and began to participate in TV programs. In 1970, the actor first appeared on the silver screen, playing the role of Ted JAX in the movie ‘The Baby Maker’. After his debut film, Scott moved to Los Angeles. He played small roles in movies and on television, starred in the television series ‘Gargoyles’. In 1978 Scott, playing captain Colby in the film, Coppola’s ‘Apocalypse now’, decided that he was tired of Hollywood and along with his family moved to the town of Cecum (Idaho). The actor worked as a bartender, Forester, hunted and sometimes acted at the theater in Seattle. However, in 1980 he received an offer directed by James Bridge for the movie ‘Urban cowboy’. Hero Scott became the ex-convict Wes Hightower, and that role turned a second-rate actor movie star and abruptly changed his life. His career rapidly went up, Glenn received an invitation to the Central role of many famous Directors. He played astronaut Alan Shepard in the film ‘the Team’ (1982), Glicina of Trismegistus in the Gothic Thriller The Keep (1983) and other brave heroes. In just ten years, Glenn Scott played fourteen Central roles, while remaining equally attractive in the images and the ‘right’ and ‘bad’ guys.
The nineties was the pinnacle of the flourishing of art Scott. In 1990 came the film ‘Hunt for Red October’, in which he played Mancuso, the captain of a submarine ‘Dallas’. Fictional, and although overlapping with the real facts, the story of the Soviet captain-the submariner wishing on a top-secret submarine to find refuge in the United States, received the Oscar for best sound editing, and three nominations for a BAFTA. Even greater success Glenn Scott became the cult movie ‘the silence of the lambs’ (1992). The second part of the trilogy about Hannibal Lecter, which includes the film ‘Red dragon’ and ‘Hannibal’ is one of the best thrillers in cinema history. Hero Scott Glenn – Jack Crawford, head of the psychology Department of the FBI Academy. To enter this way, Scott listened to authentic audio recordings of the murder scene, and admitted that although the film was a staunch opponent of the death penalty, but currently adheres to absolutely opposite beliefs. ‘The silence of the lambs’ is a truly stellar film won five Academy awards and a silver award at the Berlin festival. Jack Crawford was followed by a lot of diverse characters. Glenn Scott played violent gangster in ‘night of the running man’ (1995), Lloyd’s farce ‘Reckless’ (1995), agent Barton in ‘Absolute power’ (1997). He was also involved in two independent projects that were shot on the scripts written by his daughter Dakota playing Iggy in the ‘Lesser Prophets’ (1997) and Senor Graham in the film Larga distancia (1998), in which the main character played his second daughter Rio. Among the works of Glenn Scott on the TV most notable was the Central role in the Thriller ‘Cruel city: a killer Christmas’ (1998).
Just now filmography of Scott Glenn has more than a hundred works. The most striking roles of recent years are considered to be CIA Director Kramer in the film ‘the Bourne Ultimatum’ (2007) and ‘the Bourne supremacy’ (2012) and Steve Gruyere in ‘freedom Writers’ (2007). Recent roles the famous actor became Eugene van Wingert in the film ‘Trigger’ and Kevin Garwa is a senior in a fantastic action movie ‘the Remaining’, which appeared on the screen in 2014. Announced that in 2015 it is planned the screening of several projects with the participation of Glenn Scott, in particular, the films ‘Marvel’s Daredevil’ (Daredevil), where he will play the role of stick, the mentor of the main character, and ‘Grizzly’ dedicated to adventures in the wild.
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