Sasha Alexander

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The name of the actor / actress: Sasha Alexander
Date of birth: 17.05.1973
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Height: 168 cm
Real name Sasha – Susan Drobnjakovic. She was born may 17, 1975, in Los Angeles. In the blood actress of Italian and Serbian genes. Little Sasha started to get involved in acting. It was then that she began to take part in school productions. In the seventh grade girl was awarded the lead role in the play called “the Kid”. In parallel with the game in the school theater girl doing ice skating, but a serious knee injury was the reason for her departure from the world of sport. In addition to sports, the girl was fond of singing and dancing. At the age of 14 years, the actress became a soloist of the group “Everything nice”.
When I went to College for film and television productions, Sasha didn’t stop playing in all kinds of productions. One day he went on summer vacation in new York, the girl took part in the Shakespeare festival, where he received the role of Catherine in a production of “the taming of the shrew”. After that, Alexander worked for a time in London.
The actress started acting pretty early. She regularly appeared in the short TV series, starred in the television series “Wasteland” and “Hospital San Francisco”. After that she was invited to the shooting of the fourth season of the popular series “Dawson’s Creek”, where she played a girl named Gretchen Witter, who used to date one of the main characters of the television series.
A little later, the actress got a cameo role in the television series “Rabbit”, where he was invited to play reporter-lesbiyanka Laura Carlson. The most striking episode of the series was Sasha’s kiss with Sarah Silverman.
The young actress confidently walked on up the career ladder. Her next work was the film “fella” and “Lucky 13”. And in the last scene Alexander proved himself not only as a talented actress, but also a gifted Director and screenwriter.
After several years of starring in “NCIS”, where the actress became famous in the role of Caitlin Todd, in 2005, the series came to an end. Now the actress has not had a permanent job, and she agreed to a small cameo role in movie and serials. So, she got a small role in the film “Mission impossible 3”, played the ex-wife of the main character in the film “Nine” and appeared in one of the episodes of the popular TV series “Friends”.
The year 2008 was devoted to work with Peyton reed – directed Comedy “Always speak “Yes”, in which Sasha starred with comedian Jim Carey. A little later, the actress appeared in the action called “Play Dead”, where Sasha got the role of Caroline. In addition, she participated in the filming of the Comedy “Promise – not to marry”, where she worked on a film set with Jennifer aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Bradley Cooper and many others.
Charming the actress was married several times. Her first husband was screenwriter and Director Luc Pakalam. In August 2007 the actress a second time tied the knot. This time her lover was directed by Edoardo Ponti – the son of film producer Carlo Ponti and actress Sophia Loren. A year before the wedding ceremony, the couple had a daughter named Lucia Sofia.
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