Samuel Jackson

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Samuel L. Jackson (full name – Samuel L. Jackson) – American film actor and producer. Born December 21, 1948 in Washington.
A couple of years playing the trumpet and voltorne in the school orchestra. He studied at the private men’s college in Atlanta for the architecture department. Besides music lessons took Samuel, and he attended classes in speech therapy – he helped Jackson to deal with stuttering. Later, Samuel made sure that he was transferred to the Department of Drama, where he created a theater. Actors his «Just Us Theater» were mainly black students. In 1972, Samuel L. Jackson graduated from college with a degree in fine arts.
The debut in the movie took place in the same 1972 in the film “Together Forever.” In 1976 the actor moved to New York. There’s over the next ten years he played in the theater «Yale Repertory Theater». Because of his addiction to alcohol and drugs actor in those years lost many roles in movies. All he battered – it’s episodes. His career took off only after he found a mentor in the person of Morgan Freeman. In 1988, Jackson appeared in Spike Lee’s films, such as “School astonishment” and “Do as it is necessary!” And then starred in “Goodfellas” by Martin Scorsese.
In 1990, Samuel L. Jackson lay on the treatment in a rehabilitation clinic for drug addicts. Getting rid of addiction to drugs, the actor once again involved in the work. In 1991 he played a drug addict in the drama “dengue”. The film was well received at the Cannes Film Festival. The actor was awarded the prize for Best Actor. More known for his three paintings: “Loaded Weapon”, “Amos & Andrew,” “Jurassic Park.” But the turning point in Jackson’s career came when he starred in the cult drama of Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction.”
Viewers Samuel L. Jackson, and remembered for his roles such as Jedi Mace Windu – in “Star Wars”, Zeus Carver – in the “Die Hard 3”, Nick Fury – in “Iron Man” and “The Avengers.”
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