Samantha Morton

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Samantha Morton – British actress. “Golden Globe” award winner. It has become known for her roles in the films “Sweet and Lowdown,” “Minority Report” and “In America.”
She was born May 13, 1977 in the English city of Nottingham. Her mother worked in a factory, and his father was a poet and an activist of the Socialist Workers Party. The girl’s parents divorced when she was three years old, and Samantha with her sister and brother stayed to live with her father, who did not take care of children, in the end they ended up in orphanages and foster homes. Already at an early age he was fascinated by the theater, Samantha, and a teenager was transferred from the normal school children in acting school Central Junior Television Workshop. Also early and started her professional career. Thus, even in the age of fourteen she had the role in the popular television series “Soldier, Soldier”, and a few years later she had settled in London and played at the Royal Court Theatre. Soon followed by other roles in television, including the shooting in the series “Cracker Method”, “Lots of practice”, “gang of gold” in the film “Emma” and “Jane Eyre,” where she played a major role.
Even more famous Morton acquired after the 1997 film “Inside yourself”, which was marked by a number of awards. Shortly afterwards, the director Woody Allen invited Samantha to one of the main roles of the painting “Sweet and Lowdown”, where her partner on the set was Sean Penn. As a result of their game Morton was nominated for “Oscar” and “Golden Globe”. After such a successful proposal to participate in new projects began to come to it more actively. With her participation were such films as “Jesus’ Son,” “Dreaming of Joseph Lisa,” “Resident Demon”, “Paradise” and “Movern Callar.” Also, she got one of the roles in the blockbuster Steven Spielberg’s “Minority Report”, and for his work on the film “In America” for the second time Morton was nominated for “Oscar”.
Other notable films with her participation became drama “Code 46”, a biographical film “The Libertine,” opposite Johnny Depp in the title role, the “Queen of the River” and “Lassie”, the actress also voiced cartoon character “Free Jimmy”. At the same time, the actress’s first daughter was born, my father that she broke up before the appearance of the girls born. Also, according to Morton, in early 2006, she suffered a serious head injury, the result of which was the partial paralysis and temporary loss of vision, but after a period of rehabilitation successfully returned to Samantha shooting. In subsequent years, the screens were such notable films as “Control”, where she played the wife of a famous British musician Ian Curtis, “Mister Lonely” and “The Golden Age.” Among the latest films can be noted drama “Synecdoche, New York” melodrama “The Messenger” and a fantastic tape “John Carter.”
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