Ron Glass

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Career glass spun around the ironic television sitcoms. On screen he was often the personification of ambition, but perhaps the most memorable role of the actor is conscious of Ron Harris from long sitcom ‘Barney Miller’ 1975-1982
American actor Ron glass was born on 10 Jul 1945 in Evansville, Indiana, USA. A descendant of residents of the Midwest for the first time appeared on the stage at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis before moving to Hollywood. His first job on television was the participation in the episode of ‘Sanford and son’ in 1972, followed by the appearance in the TV series ‘Good times’ in the role of a con man pretending to be blind. In 1975 he was based in the sitcom ‘Barney Miller’, becoming a headliner before closure of the series. Ron has teamed up with team ABC and Demanda Wilson, becoming the actor of the short series of 1983, ‘the Odd couple’ playing a nerd and Samoyed Felix ungár.
The rest of 80s he held the status of guest of many television series, often playing the role of smarmy and selfish characters. In several episodes of the TV series ‘Amen’ he appeared as the archenemy of Sherman Helmsley, and in the series ‘Family of Mattersof’ dressed in a flagrant way selfish celebrity, poses on Carl Winslow. Sometimes glass was starred in drama projects, for example, in the episode of ‘the twilight zone’ in 1985, he played a child Prodigy in mathematics directly related to demons.
Ron returned to television in 1992 in the face of the station Manager of the short series ‘Rhythm and Blues’ and played Ronald Felcher in the series ‘Mr. Rhodes’ in 1996. Appearing in movies, glass had become a bandit for such films as ‘Beg, Borrow or Steal’, ‘Shirts/Skins’ and ‘Perry Mason: The Case of The Shooting Star’. In addition, Ron has assumed the duties of Director of several sitcoms, including episodes of ‘Stat!’ 1991.
On the big screen of glass ‘lit up’ in 1995 in the role of Dr. Derek bond in a Comedy by Randall Miller ‘Guest’, then he played another doctor, David Walla, in the drama Randall Klizer ‘It’s my party’ 1996. On small screens it is characterized by a pleasant voice helped Ron to voice work in the animated hit ‘Oh, these kids!’, which actor was responsible for the voice of Randy Carmichael in the period from 1992 to 2004. He repeated this experience in the sequel of the animated series, ‘Kids grown up’, 2003.
Returning to live performances, glass has got a regular role in the series ‘Teen Angel’ in 1997 and was reminded of myself in the series ‘Education of Max’. He starred in several films and has played several television roles, including Mr Crichton in paustovskii interesting history, ‘Transaction of life’, the student who can easily realize their most cherished dream, he had only to sell his soul to the devil. In 2002, veteran television won for him the coveted role of shepherd book in the science fiction series Joss Whedon ‘Firefly’. However, hopes for the series, has not justified itself, and the project closed after a few episodes. But the DVD sales were more successful than the initial rating of ‘Firefly’, creating a crowd of loyal fans of the sci-Fi series. The continuation of the series was made in the form of the famous film ‘the Mission ‘serenity’ in 2005, where, fortunately, the actor is reprising his beloved role.
Ron glass had graduated from the Seminary of St. Francis in 1964, and studied at the University of Evansville, where he received a bachelor of arts degree in literature and drama. Glass said in an interview that during the study were eager to see themselves in the role of actor. The teacher liked his voice, so he invited Japan to try their hand at one of the assigned plays. From this point on and really started to flare up his acting passion.
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