Robert Blake

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The American actor.
Born September 18, 1933 in Nutley, new Jersey, USA.
Real name is Michael James Vincenzo Gubitosi.
His father, Giacomo Gubitosi, arrived in the United States from Italy in 1907; mother, Elizabet Capone, – Italian-American. He was the older brother and sister, James and Giovanna.
In 1936, three children Gubitosi began performing as “the Three Little Hillbillies”. In 1938 the family moved to Los Angeles, where children are invited to act in films.
The career of Blake, then known as Mickey Gubitosi began with the role of Toto in the film “Bridal Suite” (1939). Appearing in a children’s Comedy series “Our Gang”, he starred in 40 episodes/series in the period between 1939 and 1944.
In 1942, the young actor has acquired the stage name “Bobby Blake”.
In 1944, Blake began playing an Indian boy “Little Beaver” in the TV series “Red Ryder Western” and until 1947 he starred in 23 movies for this project. In addition, he participated in the filming of other movies.
In the words of Blake, he had an unhappy childhood, father abused alcohol, and school relations, classmates were tuned to him with hostility. At age 14 he ran away from home.
In 1950, Blake was drafted into the army. When he returned, he decided to become a real Hollywood actor and for this attended acting classes of Jeff Corey in southern California. In 1956, for the first time in the credits of the film has a new actor name “Robert Blake”.
The actor starred in many movies and TV series. In 1967, recognition for his role in “cold-Blooded murder” directed by Richard Brooks.
Blake received the award “Emmy” for the role of police detectivethe Baretta in the popular TV series “Baretta” (1975-78).
In 1980-90-ies the actor continued to star on television.
From his first marriage (1961-83) with actress Sondra Kerr has two children: a son, Noah Blake (b. 1965, actor) and a daughter, Delina (b. 1966).
In 2000, the actor married Bonnie Lee Bakly, they had a daughter.
In 2001, the actor’s wife was murdered, the crime was suspected of Blake himself, but as a result of adjudication, were found innocent (2005).
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