Richard Griffiths

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After graduating from Manchester School of Theatre Griffiths gets a place at the radio station BBC BBC, parallel to participating in small productions, sometimes as a director. Gradually, Richard became the leading actor of the theater Manchester, and this, in turn, gives rise to the beginning of his career in the movies and on TV.
English actor Richard Griffiths was born on July 31, 1947 in a provincial town in the north of England, the son of steelworker and weavers. Richard’s parents were deaf, so that together with the school science Griffiths had to learn more and sign language. In general, the spread of his childhood actor does not like. It is known only that at age 15, Richard was finally able to escape from the house (many attempts before that fails). In parallel, Griffiths also dropped out of school, sitting as a porter at the local market. The boy made friends fast with one market trader, who subsequently was able to convince him to return to employment. It is a pity that his name history has not preserved: for it was he obliged to cinema very good actor who played, among other things, in “Superman,” “Naked Gun” and “Harry Potter.”
But it will happen much later, and while Richard just returned to the life of an ordinary schoolboy, and started attending drama club Stockton High School. The scene so fascinated the boy, after school, he entered the School of Manchester’s theaters.
After graduation Griffiths gets a place at the radio station BBC BBC, parallel to participating in small productions, sometimes as a director.
Gradually, Richard became the leading actor of the theater Manchester, and this, in turn, gives rise to the beginning of his career in the movies and on TV.
His debut on television took place in 1976 – it was a small role in the television series “The Sweeney”. This was followed by more serious work – “Superman 2” (1980), “Gorky Park” (1983), “King Ralph” (1991), “Blame It on the Bellboy” (1992) and many, many others: all counts Richard Griffiths more than 60 roles in movies and on TV.
But the real “breakthrough” for Griffiths was the role of Uncle Vernon in the “Harry Potter”. He participated in all four series, and starred in the fifth episode – “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” premiere is scheduled for summer 2009.
Do not forget to Richard Griffiths about theater and, speaking as part of the Royal Shakespeare Company. By the way, at the theater Griffiths did not stand on ceremony, and with the audience – one at one of the performances at the spectators from the floor twice called mobile phone, and on the third call, the actor broke scenic speech and demanded “disable Mobil”, and then completely stated, “Get out of the room Madame! “. And such cases were not one, but three. So if you suddenly go to the show with Richard Griffiths, do not forget to turn off your cell phone.
Griffiths died on March 28, 2013 from complications after heart surgery. His death was reported by the newspaper The Independent March 29, 2013.
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