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In 1976, the group drew the attention of the Label “Sire records”, which released debut album “Ramones”. The album consisted of a powerful aggressive tracks, with a guitar, more like the chainsaw and the rhythm section, with great destructive force.
The first performance of “ramones” was held on 30 March 1974 in “the play new York Studio”. The group then consisted of only three people: johnny Ramone (John Cummings, R. 8 October 1948, new York; guitar), Dee Dee Ramone (Douglas Colvin, R. 18 September 1951, Vancouver, Canada. 5 June 2002; bass, vocals) and Joey Ramone (Jeffrey Hyman, R. may 15, 1951, new York. April 15, 2001; drums). Their names the boys came from the nickname Paul McCartney – “Ramon.” Two months after the debut of the band’s Manager, Tommy Ramone (Tommy Erdelyi, R. 29 January 1952, Budapest, Hungary), he sat behind the drums, giving Joey a spot on the microphone. His residence “and ramones” was elected the club cbgb, which quickly earned a reputation as the best punk bands in the city.
During the half hour concert, the guys gave up 17 fast and noisy songs. The appearance of the musicians were ripped jeans and a leather jacket, equipped with worn-out sneakers. In 1976, the group drew the attention of the Label “Sire records”, which released debut album “Ramones”. The album consisted of a powerful aggressive tracks, with a guitar, more like the chainsaw and the rhythm section, with great destructive force.
In shtatovskih disk graphics were at 111. In England, “Ramona” has shown much greater interest. Known radiodeejay John peel often put their records on the air, which attracts crowds of fans. In July 1976 the first performance was “the Ramones” in London that gave points to the beginning of the punk revolution. In 1977, released two albums – bubblegummy “to leave home”, and a bit more melodic “rocket to Russia”. The song “Sheena is a punk rocker” from the second album was on the 30th place in the UK charts. In may 1978 had left the band and Tommy Ramone, a senior deciding to engage in production activities. In its place was adopted by mark bell (born. July 15, 1956), immediately renamed the brand Ramona.
In the renewed team recorded “Road to ruin”, was much calmer early releases. However, the concerts of the “ramones” had a lot of trouble accelerating to incredible speeds. In 1979, the band appeared in the film “rock’ n ‘roll high school” which led to a collaboration with renowned producer Phil Spector.
With his participation was recorded the album “end of century”, made in the spirit of rock-n-roll 60. The song “baby, I love you” from this CD was in the best British top ten, which was the highest achievement “Ramonov”. In the spirit of his predecessor was made and the album “pleasant dreams”. After the release of “subterranean jungle”, the group left the drummer stamps. New member of the team was Richie Ramone (Richie Reinhardt, b. 11 Aug 1957) who was on drums from 1983 to 1987. With him the band released several albums, made with a bias “metal”. In 1987, the team returned the brand, but when I decided to dump Dee Dee awards in the rap singers. His replacement was Christopher Joseph ward (born October 8, 1965), the crossover in j-si-Ramon.
First Studio update of work “Ramones” was the CD “Mondo Bizarro”, which the band returned to the sound of early releases. In 1993 he released the album “acid eaters”, which consisted of a cover of the rolling stones, the who, “the beach boys” and others. This album was the last Studio work of the band, disbanded in 1996. In April 2001, died of cancer Joey Ramone. Next year the “ramones” were inducted into the Hall of fame rock-n-roll, and a few days after this event from a drug overdose died Dee Dee Ramone.


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