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Five members of Radiohead first met at a private school for boys in Abingdon, a small, picturesque town in the outskirts of Oxford. Thom Yorke (born 7 October 1968, Wellingborough, England; vocals, guitar) got his first instrument, a Spanish guitar from his mother at the age of eight years.
Five members of Radiohead first met at a private school for boys in Abingdon, a small, picturesque town in the outskirts of Oxford. Thom Yorke (born 7 October 1968, Wellingborough, England; vocals, guitar) got his first instrument, a Spanish guitar from his mother at the age of eight years. Two years later, he founded his ensemble, and then joined the school of punk team, “TNT”. For the first time solo, he realized that it would be more demanding of the other members of the team. So Tom invited a group of his school friends ed O’brien (born 15 April 1968, Oxford, England; guitar) and Colin Greenwood (born 26 June 1969, Oxford, England; bass) because they shared his interest in music “Joy Division” and “Smiths”. Drummer Phil Selway (b. 23 may 1967, Huntingdon, England) has completed the formation of the group called “On A Friday”. After some time, the team has added johnny Greenwood (born 5 November 1971, Oxford, England; guitar, keyboards), inherited his older brother and his friends requests about how to get him in the team.
In 1987 “On A Friday” played their first gig at the Oxford club, “Jericho Tavern”. With a musical Canon resembling the early “Talking Heads”, they added two sisters of saxofonista. The team tried to stay together even after high school, during the continuation of an academic career, and occasionally gave concerts. During the period of study at the University of Exeter in York also played in a techno group, “Flickernoise”, and Selva studying at Liverpool Polytechnic Institute, drumming in various projects such as “Blood Brothers” and “Return To The Forbidden Planet”.
RadioheadЛетом 1991, the band got together again, but without the brass section. They recorded a couple of demos and got a contract with “EMI Records”. Restored team called “Radiohead” (one of the songs “Talking Heads”). The first recognition the group received, when the song “Prove Yourself” from the EP “Drill” on radio bi-Bi-si was named “best track of the week”. Some success has also had the song “Creep” made in “alternative” style. Interest in the “Radiohead” began to grow, and they went on tour together with “Kingmaker” and “James”. Reissued the single “Creep” got in the best British top ten, and also in the us Top 40. This was followed by their debut album, “Pablo Honey”. The disc immediately fell to the English Top 30. Unlike other popular British indie projects like “Suede”, “Radiohead” relished in many countries, from USA to Egypt.
After two years of promotion of the team, March 1995, has a new album, “The Bends”. The album was recorded is not without problems. After two months of working on it, producer John Leckie told York that “just fucking play it”, and put the entire company out of the Studio. Had the musicians to finish recording at “Abbey Road Studios”. The resulting album did not disappoint, he was presented with a bright range of sentiments with a strong lyric line. The best tracks on it was the song “High And Dry”, “Fake Plastic Trees” and “Street Spirit (Fade Out)”. This CD in late 1995, Radiohead have been recognized in England, the best band of the year.
RadioheadДва years later, they released “OK Computer”, attended by numerous press reviews, and in 1998, the company received the “Grammy” in the nomination “Best Alternative Rock Performance”. According to various polls, the popularity of “Radiohead” approached “the Beatles”. However, after a long break, came “Kid A” that plunged the audience into shock. From the style of the previous two albums is almost nothing left. Instead, Radiohead offered the listeners of electronic music, almost free from guitars, and close to the “cosmic era” progressive rock “Pink Floyd”, “Kraftwerk” and “Tangerine Dream”. Reviews were initially mixed, but the fact that the album took first place in British charts and in the charts “Billboard”, can not be ignored.
Eight months later appeared on the shelves of “Amnesiac”, made in the spirit of its predecessor.
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