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Familiarity with the canadian city of Quebec, of course, is to start with the historic centre – Old town. It consists of the so-called Upper and Lower town and is the administrative part of the district La Cité-the Designer (district of Vieux-Quebec-cap-Blanc-Colline Parlementer). Old québec is a UNESCO world heritage site.
In 1608, the famous French Explorer and hydrographer, as well as the founder and first Governor of the French settlements in Canada, Samuel de Champlain landed at the mouth of the St. Lawrence river and founded on a promontory of cap Diamant, the settlement of Quebec political and administrative centre of New France. After the British conquest of the Upper city, situated on the top of the Cape was inhabited by mostly British officials and clergymen, at the foot of the promontory where lies the Lower town, settled British and French merchants and artisans.
At the end of the 19th century, the island became the issue of the demolition of the old defensive walls, as absolutely senseless and hinder the development of the city structures, but the Governor-General Dufferin managed to convince officials of the need to maintain fortifications for posterity as an important part of the history of Quebec. So the Old city of Quebec became the only city in North America, the old fortifications of which (including the famous Citadel in the shape of a star) is almost completely preserved to the present day.
Most of the buildings of the historic centre was built in the 19th century, although some buildings date back to 17-18 centuries. In addition to fortifications, from the summit which offers fantastic panoramic views, a cozy picturesque parks, fine restaurants, and luxury shops in the Old town you will find many interesting sights is the Cathedral Notre Dame de Quebec, Notre-Dame-de-Victoire, the Jesuit chapel, the monasteries of the Ursulines and the Augustinians, the château Frontenac, the Museum of civilization and more.
Take a fascinating tour of the Old québec on foot, and using the services of a horse-drawn carriage. To climb from the Lower town to the Upper town by funicular.
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