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Placebo Diamond dog back
The Placebo group is a sophisticated viciousness against asexuality and primitiveness, times Bowie “diamond dogs” against the brothers Gallagher. Placebo is the antidote Brit ass
“In the next century people will cease to be men and women, there will be only one floor. There will be neither bisexual nor gay, people are just sexy” – said Renton in “Trainspotting”. 25-year-old Brian Molko, the new rock star of England and leader of the band Placebo is one of the first representatives of this society of the future: bhoopathy “ladyboy” (as journalists dubbed it) with painted lips, painted eyes and silver lacquer on the nails.
It would seem, who needs such a dubious group and their leader – a vicious sissy-hermaphrodite – in England, with its Brit-pop and Ledesma, which set the tone lumpen in sweatpants, demasiada in the pub to celebrate the victory of their football club. However, it appeared that world era of sexual tolerance have been waiting for their new heroes.
Molko himself considers himself a kind of Messiah, which aims to change incorrect perceptions about how it should look and behave man on the threshold of the new Millennium. “Where we are talking about feelings and desires can’t be black and white, only many shades of grey,” he says. Exotic looks and feminine dresses for him – not a marketing tool, but a natural manifestation of his inner essence: “If the misconceptions of the people about how to look like a man who has taken such deep root, it is necessary to use. I wear dresses just because they look good on me, because usually they are much more interesting men’s clothing”.
For most students, notoriety Placebo was preceded by acquaintance with their music: tell incredible stories about how during his last tour of Europe, the musicians were spending £ 700 a week on drugs and worked with countless gruppi wild and kinky sex.
It is hard to believe that Brian Molko – this exotic bird of Paradise, androgynous sex God was very lonely and quiet teenager who kept aloof from everyone and read a lot. In school he didn’t even have a girlfriend, and until the second year Goldsmithscouk theatre College, he remained a virgin. Nor was he a passionate music lover who always leaves a guitar, hoping to break out someday in a rock star. Only after graduating from the theatre College, after talking with “theatre people” and getting an idea about their life, he started looking for “something much more light work that is more suitable to my hedonistic aspirations”. And the group, as it seemed to him perfectly consistent with these requirements.
Only His Majesty the Case can be reduced in one group of three young people from different parts of the world. While today’s Brit-pop very anglocentric, Placebo defiantly proud of their cosmopolitan line-up: Brian Molko (guitar/vocals) is American, grew up in Liberia and Lebanon, for the first time met another future member of the group – a Swede Stefan Olsdal (bass guitar) – in Luxembourg. In London the group was completed by Englishman Steve Hewitt (drums), thus closing not only geographical, but also a sexy triangle in which Molko is bisexual, Olsdal is gay, Hewitt is straight.
Placebo has done much to save guitar rock fresh, majestic and thought-provoking, re-opened his black magic. “People are attracted to the characteristics of Placebo’s music – honesty, vulnerability, fragility and humanness. We don’t hide behind macho poses rock, irony or something else. We would like to think that music Placebo is a very real one.”
Of course, such a bright new group could not go unnoticed. The recording companies fought over her like dogs over a bone, and eventually, in January 1996 the band signed a record deal with Hut Records. At the same time a demo tape of the group caught the eye of David Bowie and produced on him was so impressed that he invited them as opening bands in the European part of his “Outside”tour.
In June 1996, the band released its produced by brad wood from Tortoise’s self-titled debut album. It was a great record that suffered the legacy of grunge so far nobody occupied territory. The album went gold and in the UK alone has sold 130 thousand copies. In January 1997 the song from this album c the eloquent title “Nancy Boy” (“Feminine man”) became a hit, climbing to 4th place of the English charts. In the same month, Placebo as special guests participated in the concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of David Bowie at new York’s Madison Square Garden. The whole 1997 the group was in sight: at first, she undertook her first UK tour as a headliner, and then warmed up the crowd before U2 during the European part of their “Popmart”tour.
In 1998, it’s time to think about the second album. If the first is fast, furious, predatory – possible to compare with some wild, illegal party, the second album “Without You I’m Nothing” – a slower, disheveled and brooding, this classic hangover album. The fact that they managed to make an album of such honesty and such a scale – more proof of the fact that the group is more than just a good combination of spicy reputation and maiden hair leader. According to music critics, the new album fully realizes their enormous potential, which so powerfully stated the debut album. The first single song from the second album “Pure Morning” on the move climbed to 4th place of the English charts.
Currently, the group is on the rise, full of energy and plans. Molko himself intends to move forward in all possible directions – both as a musician and as an actor. He recently starred in the film “Velvet Goldmine”, which tells about the era of glam rock and its incredible characters. Future third album, he seems to be much more experimental – something like “Metal Machine Music” by Lou reed. He would like to do things “which would not be ashamed in front of people and himself”, and in the future Molko mostly afraid of the hypothetical moment when “we suddenly find that we repeat ourselves. Then we would be forced to stop.”
But all this, according to Molko, in the future. Meanwhile, he intends at least some time to bask in the luck
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