Peter Allen

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Famous Australian actor, a talented composer, musician. Songs Allen is known throughout the world. At the time the composer created the music for such notorious artists as Olivia Newton-John, Melissa Manchester and many others. Repeatedly Peter starred in the movie, every time a fan of showing off the talent of the actor.
Peter Allen was born 10 February 1944, the year in Tenterfield, Australia. Private Allen began his career with Chris bell as part of the project, the Allen Brothers. The musicians performed in cabaret, on television and in the early 60s was very popular in Australia.
After Allen went to Hong Kong, where his acting and musical talent was discovered by mark Herron. The latter invited the Australian to go to London, as well as in United States of America, in order there to continue the creative activity.
In the seventies Peter Allen experienced force in the acting field. A certain bet he made on his own projects, but a peak of popularity in this sense is not reached.
But his songs have become real hits (of world importance) is primarily due to the fact that he performed them well-known in the United States of America singers. Works such as “Don’t Cry Out Loud”, “I’d Rather Leave While I’m In Love”, “I Honestly Love You” at the time, was especially popular among audiences. The last track, incidentally, was number one in all hit parades of America and Canada, and won two prestigious Grammy awards.
In 1977, the year of Peter Allen released a solo album “Taught By Experts”. The album was popular and quickly disappeared from the shelves of Australian music stores.
In the United States of America equally rapid and rampant success of his solo career Peter was not achieved. His next album was released in 1980 year, and a year later, the song from the LP Fly Away took the 55th place in the hundred of the Best American songs.
At the same time – in the eighties – Peter Allen is actively developing a television career appearing regularly on the screens of Australian TV channels.
Peter was married only once. His marriage with the famous Liza Minnelli ended in divorce.
Peter Allen died 18 June 1992. His ashes according to his will – were scattered at sea.
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