Perla Beltran
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Birthday: 9/30/1986, the
Place of birth: Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico
Citizenship: Mexico
Original name: Perla Beltran Acosta, Judith
Mexican model, beauty contestant, ‘1st Vice-Miss World 2009’.
Beltran was born in Kulyakane, Sinaloa (Culiacán, Sinaloa); with ten years she grew in Guamuchile (Guamúchil). World beauty contests drew her from an early age, but seriously your dreams Perla did not take a long time. In the end, the mother is still convinced Beltran try; she took part in a local beauty contest – and won a landslide victory.
Showdown took place in 2001, but really became famous Perla Beltran only in 2008. The year before, the model took part in the contest ‘Miss Mexico’ (Miss Earth Mexico) and took 2nd place in the ‘Miss Air’.
In 2008, Beltran went to represent his home state of Sinaloa at the national beauty contest ‘Nuestra Belleza México 2008’, held in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon (Monterrey, Nuevo Leon), on 20 September. In the contest was attended by 33 models; Pearl was able to take on competition 1st place.
The victory in the competition not only Pearl glorified all over the country, but also gave her the right to represent Mexico at the 59th beauty contest ‘Miss World’ (Miss World). This year the competition was held in Johannesburg, South Africa (Johannesburg, South Africa).
From the outset, Beltran was able to show themselves in the best light – a victory in the competition model means an automatic transition to the semi-finals for her. Pretty good model of swimwear made in the tender; overall Perla Beltran was 2nd – it has bypassed model from Gibraltar (Gibraltar) Kaiane Aldorino (Kaiane Aldorino). Along with the title of the 1st Vice-Miss World Beltran he received the title of ‘Miss World America’ (Miss World Americas).
The story Beltran participate in beauty contests is not over. In 2010, Pearl won the ‘Grand Slam’ version Globalbeauties.com site, entered the top ten in the ‘Person of the Year’ (Face of the Year) and in the top five in the ranking of ‘sexy woman alive today’ (Sexiest Woman Alive ).
According Missosology.com site, Beltran received the title of ‘Queen of the World Cup’. Make sure to understand that the title has nothing to do with the contest ‘Miss World’, or to the International Football Federation; It was played between the 32 participants from countries whose football teams have gone to fight for the championship title in South Africa.
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