Paul Lukas

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Born May 26, 1895
Date of death August 15, 1971/76
Place of birth Budapest, Hungary
Awards and Prizes
1 Oscar Award
1 Golden Globe Award
American actor of Hungarian origin.
Real name – Pal Lukacs.
Paul Lucas made his debut at age 21 on the stage in Budapest. A year later appeared for the first time in the movie. Having a successful career in Hungary and Austria in collaboration with Max Reinhardt, in 1927, the actor moved to Hollywood. Starring in several films, such as “Dodsworth”, “The Lady Vanishes”, Lucas became an American citizen.
In the 40 years it has become a very popular actor, thanks to such films as “Casablanca,” “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, which became a classic of world cinema. For the film “Watch on the Rhine” in 1943 won the prestigious “Oscar” in the category “Best Actor”. Once more he worked on television. One of the last roles in the big cinema became a professor of Arano in the film “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.”
Paul Lucas died at age 76 years in Tangier, Morocco, where he had gone in search of a suitable place for a quiet old age.
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