Patricia Neal

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Born January 20, 1926
Date of Death August 8, 2010 / ’84
Birthplace of the Packard, Kentucky, United States
Awards and Prizes
1 Oscar awards and 1 nomination
1 Golden Globe Award and 1 nomination
American actress.
In his youth, Patricia Neal debuted on Broadway, in one of his roles was awarded a “Tony” Award.
He starred in the movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still”, “Diplomatic Courier”, “Face in the Crowd,” “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” “All Quiet on the Western Front”, “Ghost Story” and others.
But most of all known for his tragic personal life. In 1949, on the set of Patricia Neal she had a crush on at the time of the popular Hollywood actor, Gary Cooper, who was older than her by a quarter century. After Cooper’s wife said a formal protest, and his daughter in public spat at Patricia, her connection with the idol of millions, became the property of journalists. Under the influence of public opinion, the actress was forced to part with Cooper and abortion.
Later, she married a famous English writer Roald Dahl, from whom she had five children. However, two of them died under tragic circumstances, and inconsolable mother became a Christian parishioner of the local churches. In 1965, while pregnant, she fell for three weeks in a coma and in a few months has been paralyzed, but recovering from an illness, returned to film and was nominated for “Oscar” award in 1969.
Patricia Neal died on August 8, 2010 from lung cancer.
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