Overwatch : Zenyatta

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Real name: Tekharta Dzenyatta, Age: 20 years
Occupation: wandering guru adventurer
Operational base: in the past – Shambala Monastery (Nepal)
Affiliation in the past – Shambala
“True Self has no form.”
Dzenyatta – a robot monk wandering the world in search of spiritual enlightenment. They say that those who meet him on his life’s journey, will never be the same again.
Many years after Rise of the Machines robots small group separated from their brethren in the so-called “spiritual awakening.” These exiles left the former programmed life and founded a monastery deep in the Himalayas. After many years of reflection came to them insight that all of machines endowed with artificial intelligence, possess a soul – is akin to a human.
Realizing the spiritual affinity with the people, the monks under the mysterious robot Tekharty Mondatty began to look for ways to eliminate the effects of Rise of the Machines, robots and to reconcile the people and build a society of universal harmony. Their aspirations were echoed in millions of followers around the world, and the monks themselves became the spiritual leaders of the planetary scale.
However, one of the monks named Dzenyatta disagreed with the chosen course. He decided that in order to resolve differences between robots and people need not dogmatic teaching, and personal contact and involvement.
In the end, he chose his own path. He decided to leave the monastery and go on a journey around the world to help those in need to find inner peace and serenity. However, if necessary, he is ready to stand up for the innocent, whether robot or human.
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