Overwatch : Lúcio

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Real name: Lucio Correia dos Santos, Age: 26 years
Occupation: DJ, freedom fighter
Operational base: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Affiliation: None
“Come on, join!”
Lucio – star international scale, his music and his actions, he inspires people to change.
Lucio Correia dos Santos grew up in poor overcrowded favelas of Rio de Janeiro, hard-hit by the financial crisis after the Rise of the Machines. He wanted to somehow help the Brazilians, whose country has just embarked on the road to recovery, and found refuge in music, which has incredible power to bring people together and help them for some time to forget about the hardships of everyday life. He played on the streets, at local parties, and becoming older – and on a series of legendary underground concerts.
But in the community Lucio came chaos, when multinational corporation Vishkar concluded with the authorities of Rio contract to redevelop large areas of the city. Lucio and his neighbors have promised that this project will change their lives for the better – but the promises were sweet lies. Vishkar Corporation has established a curfew and began to use the favelas the population as a cheap labor force, and its representatives have become strictly prevent behavior that was considered illegal – all “in the name of creating an organized community.”
Lucio did not tolerate it. He stole Vishkar sound technology, by which the corporation suppressed the will of the people, and turned it into a tool to encourage them to take action. It raised a great rebellion, and representatives of the people expelled from their land Vishkar. For one night the star shone in the sky Lucio. He became a symbol of change for the better. And the music he played, only increased his popularity. Once Lucio spoke only the local parties, and now collects stadiums around the world.
Lucio realized that he could make a difference and make the world a better place thanks to newfound fame.
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