Overwatch : D.Va

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Real Name: Hannah Song, Age: 19
Occupation: pilot bellows, in the past – kibersportsmenka
Operational base: Busan, South Korea
Belonging: Mobile Group ekzoboytsov Korean army
“I play to win.”
D.Va – former kibersportcmenka using experimental military bellows protecting their home country.
Twenty years ago, South Korea was attacked by a giant robot monster that rises from the depths of the East China Sea. The colossal robot caused enormous damage to coastal towns before being able to drop back into the sea. To protect the city from this new threat, the South Korean government has created a squad of armored drones MEKA.
Government Fears were under a base: identify patterns in these attacks. Every few years, rising from the ocean next monster and attacks on South Korea and neighboring countries. Robots analyzed these battles, creating new designs, giving them new skills and setting new weapons. Every fight is a draw: the monster managed to win, but did not destroy completely.
Robots have studied the tactics of people and found a vulnerability in the system of drones MEKA remote control, forcing the army used to control the fur pilots-people. In search of suitable candidates the government turned to competitive players: their reflexes and the ability to quickly understand a complex situation allows you to control with advanced weaponry fur. Many stars of eSports was drafted into the army – including world champion Hannah Song, also known as «D.Va». Illustrious virtual fights, D.Va always strive for victory at any cost. She has earned a reputation as stubborn and ruthless fighter.
For D.Va a new job – the next game. She is ready at any moment to come to the defense of their country: when the squad MEKA coming forward, D.Va fearlessly rushes into battle. She recently started to broadcast their military operations on the network; the number of viewers of its channel has grown so much that it has become a worldwide celebrity.
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