Overwatch : Ana

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Real name: Ana Amari, Age: 60 years
Occupation: bounty hunter
Operational base: Cairo, Egypt
Affiliation in the past – Overwatch
“Everyone has their own reasons to take up arms”
Ana was one of the founders of Overwatch, its skills and craftsmanship were aimed at protecting his home and loved ones.
Egypt is very affected by the Rise of the Machines, and exhausted fighting the security services of the country often had to rely on the skills of elite snipers, which include and Ana Amari, is considered one of the best shooters in the world. Through excellence, determination and acute intuition she was enrolled in the striking Overwatch group that has managed to put an end to the war.
After successful completion of the task Ana received the rank of captain, and for many years served as the deputy commander of Morrison. Despite the increased responsibilities, Ana, even exchanged sixth decade, insisted on their direct participation in combat operations – to the extent as during the job to free the hostages, it was allegedly killed by the agent “Claw”, known as “Fatal widow.”
In fact, Ana survived but suffered serious wounds and lost her right eye. As the recovery is fully felt the load that is applied to human years spent in incessant battles, and decided not to tell anyone that survived. But over time, she saw that criminal gangs are becoming a greater threat to her house, and realized that the desire to protect their neighbors are still alive in her heart.
“Borrowing” a little bit of equipment from inventory Overwatch, Ana returned to the system and is now struggling to keep the peace in their homeland and to eliminate all those who threaten stability in the region.
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