Orson Welles

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Born May 6, 1915
Date of death October 10, 1985/70
Birth Place Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States
Awards and Prizes
1 Oscar awards and 2 nominations
1 Cannes Film Festival award
American film director, actor, screenwriter and producer. In 1999 he was included in the list of “100 greatest movie stars.”
In 15 years, Wells began playing in the theater, and in 1934 became a full member of the team of the Federal Theatre. In the same year he married aspiring actress Virginia Nicholson, a marriage which can hardly be called successful. In 1937, Wells comes to the real glory – he, along with producer Hausmann creates its entreprise “Mercury-tietr”, their company begins to appear weekly on the radio with its extremely realistic performances.
In 1941, 25-year-old film director Orson Welles creates the first film for the company, “CSC-redio Pictures” – “Citizen Kane.” Despite the fact that the profits that work has not brought, according to experts, it has had a significant impact on the development of sound cinema. Next, the director followed film “The Magnificent Ambersons” (1942) and “Stranger” (1946). But despite the critical acclaim and an Academy while still young, bad paintings are at the box office.
Wells and “CSC – redio Pictures’ dissolve the contract, and the director finds a favorable agreement with Columbia Pictures, which removes one of his best films -” The Lady from Shanghai “(1947). The picture was a huge success in Europe, which largely caused Orson move to another continent, where his work is not only the critics loved, but also well received by spectators.
After moving to Old Svea Orson Welles takes a lot and removed himself involved in radio shows and appears on television. His life was rich and productive until his death at age 70 of a heart attack in his own home in Hollywood.
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