Olympia Dukakis

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Born June 20, 1931
Birthplace of Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
Awards and Prizes
1 Oscar Award
1 Golden Globe Award and 1 nomination
American actress.
Olympia Dukakis was born in a family of Greek immigrants. Her cousin, Michael Dukakis, a time was governor of Massachusetts, and in 1988 even a candidate for the US presidency from the Democratic Party.
Olympia studied at Arlington High School, then enrolled in Boston University.
In the movie started filming since mid-1960s, played a small role, starred in episodes. But the real popularity came only in the mid-80s, after the painting “The power of the moon.” For this role, the actress received two awards “Oscar” and “Golden Globe” in the category “Best Supporting Actress”. Then there were the films “Look who’s talking,” “Steel Magnolias,” “Strong spirit” “shrew” and others.
In addition to filming, Olympia Dukakis plays in the theater and on television. In 2003 came her autobiography ‘Ask me again tomorrow: life progress. ”
In 1962, Olympia was married to actor Louis Zorik, which gave birth to three children, and a marriage which lasts to this day.
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