Olivia Thirlby

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Olivia Thirlby – American film and stage actress. Known for her role as Leah in the family drama “Juno”.
He was born on October 6, 1986 in New York, to a wealthy family: her mother – the executive director of a large advertising agency. Social status and material wealth has allowed parents to give Olivia at Friends Seminary, the best private school, located in the elite district of the city – the East Village.
Stagecraft Thirlby fond of since childhood. She often spent the summer in camps iskusstvFrench Woods Festival of the Performing Arts and Usdan Center for the Creative and Performing Arts. After school, Olivia took an internship at the theater “Globus”, then entered the London British Academy of Theatre and Cinema.
Film debut of a young actress – Paul Greengrass drama “The Lost Flight” about the events of September 11, 2001. The picture left in hire in 2006, the box office amounted to 76 million dollars with a budget of 15. At the same time, Olivia played in the series channel NBC «Kidnapped».
In the wake of the popularity of Thirlby actively invited to appear. In 2007, it was noted in the drama “Juno” Jason Reitman and Vincent Perez melodrama “The Secret” (in this tape performed the first actress of his film career a major role).
In 2008, Olivia, Molly offered to bring in a theatrical production of “Farragut North.” Again on the stage actress appeared only 4 years later – in the play “Lonely, I’m not.”
In 2008, screens out only one film with Thirlby – Comedy Jonathan Levine “Madness”. But in 2009 she played once in five paintings (including almanac “New York, I Love You”, where her partner was the whole galaxy of celebrities, and the romantic comedy “The man who knew everything”) and a television series ( ” bored to Death “).
In 2010, the actress was noted in the comedy “No Strings Attached” Ivan Reitman, along with Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher.
A year later, Thirlby starred in the blockbuster producer Timur Bekmambetov and directed by Chris Gorak “Phantom”. Cash gathering tape twice exceeded the initial budget. In parallel, Olivia worked on the drama of Paul Weitz, “Being Flynn” with the legendary American actor Robert De Niro.
A new wave of popularity has covered the actress after militants Pete Travis’ Judge Dredd 3D »Karl Urban, the highly anticipated adaptation of the popular comic book of the same name. Prohibitive cruelty and naturalistic, coupled with a gripping storyline and a unique time-lapse technology made the film a cult classic – albeit in narrow circles: in wide release film grossed just $ 50 million (budget – 35 million).
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