Octavia Spencer

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Biography of Octavia Spencer
Octavia Spencer – American actress of theater, cinema and television, whose filmography includes about 100 roles. He played mostly in comedy films, for which he won a place in the top 25 funniest actors in Hollywood. The winner of the “Oscar” for his role in the movie “The Help.” Producer, writer and director.
Children and teens
The actress originally from Alabama, the city of Montgomery. She was born in a large family with many children – was the sixth child of seven.
Since childhood, the girl was interested in theater and cinema, fancied herself an actress, dreamed of an acting career. However, the talent she really was – a notice and family members, and friends, and teachers.
After high school, he was admitted to the Octavia «Auburn University» Alabama, where she acquired a bachelor of arts disciplines.
Octavia Spencer – in the movies
The first part went to Octavia in 1996 – in the film “A Time to Kill.” Although the role was minor and insignificant, it opened the door for future actress in the world of cinema. This and all subsequent cameo Octavia drew the attention of the audience and the filmmakers – suggestions about the shooting became more and more, and gradually grew in popularity.
Octavia Career developed a steady pace – she regularly appears on the screen in a variety of films and television series such as “Ugly Betty,” “Wizards of Waverly Place,” “Just Shoot Me,” “NYPD Blue,” “ER,” “The Place crime “,” Medium “. Filmography Actress contains nearly 100 roles, most of whom are comedic roles. Although serious dramatic pictures with the actress also filmed a lot of (- “Seven Pounds” is one of the most successful).
Octavia Spencer – “The Help”
Popularity is not spared this modest but talented actress. The peak of her artistic career took place in 2011 – thanks to the shooting of the film in the drama “The Help.” Octavia played Minny Jackson – bold and biting colored maid, which have had to suffer because of dissatisfaction with the current state of things, a keen sense of justice and a desire to make the world better.
Octavia so perfectly got used to the role so convincingly recreated the character and convey the inner world of the heroine, which has received many prestigious awards “Oscar” and “Golden Globe” in the category “Best Actress” Award of the British Academy.
An even greater reward for an actress whose creativity revealed in full, was the status of movie stars and followed him many invitations to work. Finally, battered and actress starring roles: in comedy and drama “Crushed”, “Through the Snow”, “Lamb of God”, “Girls! Girls! Girls! “,” Blues for Uilladin “and” in the trash. ”
Theatrical successes
The actress has achieved success and recognition not only in the movies. She managed to leave their mark on the stage. The debut on stage took place in 2003 in the theater of Los Angeles in the production of «The Trials and Tribulations of Trailer Trash Housewife». Another role went to actress theater staged «Chicken Party».
Producer, writer and director
Octavia revealed their talents not only in front of movie cameras on the set. She was co-author of the screenplay for, was their director and producer. Films made with the assistance of Octavia – «The Unforgiving Minute» and «The Captain».
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