Nina Blackwood

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Popular American model and actress. Once it became one of the first leading on MTV, and also worked as a music journalist.
Nina Blackwood was born 12 September 1955, the year in Springfield. He spent his childhood in Ohio. Nina was four years old when she first sat at the piano, and then began to actively study music. From an early age she was attracted by the world of show business and all that was connected with it – the catwalks, filming, movie, TV, and more.
In August 1978 year Blackwood for the first time appeared in public, she appeared Nude for the popular edition of Playboy – in the project entitled “Girls of the Office”.
One day, Nina finally decided to go into show business and went to Los Angeles. There Nina went to College (Strasberg Institute), where he studied acting and at the same time did not leave attempts to break into TV. Blackwood’s efforts were not in vain – in 1982, the year she still got the offer and starred in the project “Revenge of the Stepford Wives,” and a few years later appeared in the movie “Reckless Kelly”.
In the second half of the eighties Nina Blackwood (Nina Blackwood) started its active work on music television, has become the leading on MTV. After some time, Nina began to conduct his own evening entertainment program “Rock Report” and then the number of its fans increased.
From 1986 to 1988, the second year Nina took part in the popular TV show Solid Gold and shone in projects such as A Current Affair, Access Hollywood , VH1, The Discovery Channel, MSNBC.
In the 1999th year, Blackwood began to work on radio – and so successfully. Then she collaborated with well-known Manager and producer Danny Sheridan, which was associated with Dick Clark’s United Stations Radio Network.
Special attention to Nina Blackwood (Nina Blackwood) drew, playing in the mega project “The Vagina Monologues (the vagina Monologues)” in 2003.
Currently, Nina continues to work. Free time Blackwood conducts a variety of recreational activities including dog shows, horse races, cooking contests and other things.
Nina often and with pleasure talks about her own work – actress and TV-presenter says that the Tetra stage, film set, radio and other creative work – the meaning of her life.
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