Nick Nolte

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Nick Nolte – a popular Hollywood actor. The three-time nominee for “Oscar” for the film “Warrior”, “Grief,” “The Prince of Tides.” Winner of the “Golden Globe” Best Actor ( “The Prince of Tides”). Also known for the paintings “48 hours”, “Weeds”, “rich man, poor man,” “The Thin Red Line,” “Hulk,” “Tropic Thunder.”
Born on February 8, 1941 in Omaha, the son of former football player and hostess supermarket. Thanks to his father almost from the cradle boy addicted to the sport: playing basketball, football, athletics and wrestling. Subsequently, Nolte says in one of his interviews: “Sport – is an indispensable actor for the experience: it teaches discipline and the ability to play as a team.” In general, parents are preparing a professional athlete. Nick was even enrolled in the University of Arizona, but did not finish my studies: they say, as if he was expelled for academic failure. A friend advised to go to a football player might-actors. He graduated from the course of dramatic skill and enrolled in a small theater company. Up to 33 years, Nolte played on the provincial scene, but the way to a great movie started with episodes of TV series “Medical Center”, “Cannon”, “Tom”. He also said in the film “The guy from California,” and the judicial drama “Death Sentence” (1974). Within two years the actor has achieved success and professional recognition: the screens out the miniseries David Green and Boris Sagal “The rich man, poor man”, which tells about the trials Jorda family in the postwar years of the twentieth century. For the role of ne’er-do-good-natured, charming and charismatic Tom Dzhordasha blond, 35-year-old Nick was nominated for the prize “Golden Globe” and “Emmy.”
Then Nolte has appeared in the film “The Abyss,” “Fighting Dogs”, “A knock on the heart.” Of course, in his career was the defeat and, for example, he really wanted to play at the Coppola in the film “Apocalypse Now”, but lost on the casting Martin Sheen. The widespread popularity of the actor brought a major role in the action movie “48 Hours” (1982), where he implemented austere detective chasing two criminals who killed a police officer. It helps law enforcement officers clever but frivolous companion, who is serving a sentence for theft of half a million dollars (played by Eddie Murphy). Delightful duo Nolte and Murphy hit the spectator like: only in the American box office the film grossed more than $ 78 million (with a budget of just 1 million). Two years later, Nick performed the hitman in the film “Grace Quigley,” his partner was Katherine Hepburn. In 47 years, the actor was again nominated for the “Golden Globe” award – this time for her role as a convict for life, who unsuccessfully tries to commit suicide, and then sits down to write a play prison, in the drama “Weeds” (1988). By this time the surname Nolte was already well known throughout Hollywood. Charming blond husky-loved, respected, and was criticized for regularly drinking and numerous adventures (he was married three times). However, all was forgiven the actor for his charisma. He was three times nominated for the “Oscar”: for the role of a loser attending psychiatrist in the film of Barbara Streisand’s “The Prince of Tides” (1991), a police officer, whose gloomy future changes one accident, in the film Paul Schrader, “grief” (1997), and drunken young boxer father in the drama “Warrior” (2011).
Nolte is not alien and comic book film adaptation, in particular, he played a supervillain sinks film Ang Lee’s “Hulk.”
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