Nick Frost

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Date of Birth: March 28, 1972
English actor, comedian and screenwriter.
Born in Essex, England, UK.
Full name – Nicholas John Frost.
After school, he worked for some time as a waiter and host corporate events.
In 1996 he made his debut on television role in the series “Big Train” (1998), known as an actor for his role in the TV series “Weird” (1999-2001).
In 2004, Nick presented his TV project “Danger! 50,000 Zombies!”, Which was a parody of the show, where various experts on the survival show how to act in critical situations.
Next Frost took a prominent role in the romantic zombie comedy “Shaun of the Dead” (2004). Screenwriter of the film made by Simon Pegg and director Edgar Wright movie. In 2006, he starred in the second film, Pegg and Wright – “Hot Fuzz”, where he played Constable Danny Batterman.
Acted in such films as “Freaky bots” (2005), “Penelope” (2006), “Grindhouse” (2007), “Wild Child” (2008), “Rock Wave” (2009), “Alien Pasha” (2011) and others.
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