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Muse. Translates to English as “the Muse”. This is a rock group from Britain, founded in 1994.
Today, the band Muse is one of the best legacies of the rock music of the Millennium. Their music is on a new level, not available for most groups. The highest degree of performance is Theatrical vocals, masterly guitar parts are remembered and not repeated, and live performances evoke a sea of emotions! Due to these factors, this group without any doubt can be called the greatest.
The band itself consists of only three members. Throughout its history, the band has released five Studio albums and became repeated winners of various music festivals.
The formation of the band started back in 1992, then the current band members played in other projects.
At first they changed a lot of names: carnage mayhem, Gothic plague, rocket, doll, fixed penalty, and only then began to be called the Muse. After writing the guys decided not to go to University and to devote himself entirely to the world of music. His career began not with stadiums and signing with the label, and with fine performances in rock clubs and rock bars.
First listeners and fans began to appear after the concerts in Manchester and London. After an acquaintance with the owner of a recording Studio, Sawmills. Other companies refused to work with the group, as their work is strongly reminiscent of Radiohead.
After their records were at odds over the territory of England, American Maverick records in the record organized for the group a few performances in the USA. After this mini tour, it was suggested that the signing of contracts with music labels them to Australia and Europe.
After the recording and release of the album “Showbiz”, the band embarks on another tour, this time as supporting bands the red Hot chili peppers and Fu fighters.
During the recording of the album “Melomania”, the musicians started experiments with the Mellotron and Church organ. This album was more emotion and the more delicate lyrical mood is depressive in nature.
The musicians had no doubt that these ideas will appreciate their listeners. Because of this and other factors, the album was released later than planned. He was released on the American label “Warner” in 2006.
The album “black holes and Revelations” was the best in the history of the group. According to statistics, during the first week. He has sold more than 100,000 copies of the CD, in the USA, Japan and England. Songs from this release won the most music charts.
Further, it was certified platinum, as was total sales amounted to more than a million copies, and it is only in Europe.
The style of music Muse has absorbed in the past of alternative rock, with elements of many other areas. The main component was the falsetto, the frequent use of keys, melodic guitar riffs and orchestral arrangements.
Later, the band’s sound became less heavy, but melodic.
The first album “Showbiz” was perceived negatively in the musical environment, it was up as explicit Radiohead.
Later, the band admitted that their work was influenced by the band Queen and Radiohead, but by this “Rock”, was influenced Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, whose works from time to time quoted in the songs.
Interesting fact that in 2009, the Vatican (Rome), has published its list of the “godly songs”. Together with Mozart included the band Muse with their song “uprising”.
The group has always had a negative attitude to the speech lip-synch to one of the concerts on television, proved his words. All members switched instruments and went live. No one suspected anything was wrong.
Muse is one of the few bands that was able to make a revolution in music. Lyrical and katsushika component of its energy permeates every song, every riff and every piece of verse.
A distinctive feature of the group is the fact that she had no clones and counterparts. No one could not even close get close to recreating the music of this level.
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