Minnie Driver

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The British actress, producer and singer.
Real name – Amelia Fiona.
Born January 31, 1970 in London, UK in a family well-known British millionaire businessman Ronnie Driver.
Early childhood spent on the island of Barbados. Graduated Bideyls school in Petersfield, Hampshire County. She studied drama at the Academy of Dramatic Art in London Webber Douglas.
She made her debut on television in 1989 in a number of British television series. The first role in film was Emily Ashdown in the short film “Zebra Men” (1992).
Audience gained popularity after the execution of the role of Benny Hogan in the movie “Circle of Friends” (1995).
Significant acting work Minnie Driver – Skyler in the Oscar-winning film “Good Will Hunting” (1997, nominated for the award “Oscar”, 1998), Mabe Chiltern in the film version of the play by Oscar Wilde’s “An Ideal Husband” (1999), Dahila Minor in TV drama
“Rich” (2007, nominated for the prize “Emmy”). In 2003-2004, he starred in the television movies comedy, proved to be a brilliant comic actress.
Since 1998 acts as a film producer of feature films.
Minnie Driver – known rock singer and musician who has released several music albums.
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