Michelle Branch

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Michelle Jacquet Branch DeSevren Landau (* July 2, 1983 in Flagstaff, Arizona) is an American singer, songwriter, guitarist and winner of the prestigious Grammy Awards. He debuted on the music scene in 2000, when it released the album Broken Brecalat. Followed by the album Hotel Paper and The Spirit Room. And in 2004 he created a duo with musician Jessica Harp, which they called The Wreckers.
In December 2000, he made the opening act boy band Hanson and shortly after released the album The Spirit Room, which emerged as the successful songs like All You Wanted or Goodbye to You.
In 2002 she sang the lead vocal for the song The Game of Love, where she was accompanied by the guitar of Carlos Santana. This song was also her first in a career that got into the Top 5 of Billboard Hot 100. Later acquired for this song and a Grammy.
Personal life
May 23, 2004 in Mexico took her husband of nineteen years old bass player, Teddy Landau. August 3, 2005 they had their first child, a girl Owen Isabelle.
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