Max Greenfield

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Birthday: 04.09.1980 year
Place of birth: Dobbs Ferry, NY, USA
Citizenship: United States
Height: 178 cm
Schmidt “brand new”
The list of film credits Max Greenfield relatively modest, but the series has seen many an actor. The most successful of its role, of course, was Schmidt from the series ‘newcomer’ – talented game Greenfield even earned him a nomination for the ‘Primetime Emmy’ and ‘Golden Globe’.
American film and television actor. He is best known for his roles in the television series ‘Veronica Mars’ ( ‘Veronica Mars’), ‘Ugly Betty’ ( ‘Ugly Betty’) and ‘newcomer’ ( ‘New Girl’). For his role was nominated for a number of prestigious television awards.
Born and raised in Greenfield Dobbs Ferry, New York (Dobbs Ferry, New York). As an actor, he moved in 1998, shortly after graduating from high school. Max started with small roles in various television series – like ‘Boston School’ ( ‘Boston Public’), ‘Gilmore Girls’ ( ‘Gilmore Girls’) and ‘Lonely Hearts’ ( ‘The O.C.’). The first really major role played Max in the series ‘Modern Men’; his character – along with two other hardened bachelors – appealed to a special coach in the hope to learn how to better understand the opposite sex. Alas, this series did not live long – only two months; During this time 7 episodes aired.
After a bad start of the series for some time Max played supporting roles – is much more noticeable in the much more well-known projects such as ‘Veronica Mars’ or ‘university’ ( ‘Greek’).
In 2007, Greenfield got the role in the US TV series ‘Ugly Betty’; Max stayed here for 8 episodes. ‘Ugly Betty’ leaving the team, Greenfield returned to episodic roles in major TV shows – like ‘Castle’ ( ‘Castle’), ‘Melrose Place’ ( ‘Melrose Place’); ever play him in a less successful projects – ‘No Ordinary Family’.
In 2010, Network Audience Network launched a project ‘The Gentlemen’s League’; This project was created and produced by Greenfield personally (and the main role is played by Max himself). As confessed to Greenfield, the idea for the series prompted him to experience the real game of fantasy football with the actor Jerry Ferrara (Jerry Ferrara).
Greenfield had time to work for the big screen. His first film role he played in 2004, in the film ‘Cross Bronx’; It was followed by a role in the 2005 comedy ‘When Do We Eat?’.
In 2011, Max joined the team of the new television comedy series ‘newcomer’. In the series, this Greenfield has played a major role; his acting ability, coupled with the talents of other members of the team – like the singer starring Zooey Deschanel (Zooey Deschanel) – led to the great success of the series. Talents of Greenfield has also been rewarded for dignity; for his role in the ‘newcomer’, he was nominated for the ‘Primetime Emmy’ and ‘Golden Globe’ ( ‘Golden Globe’) as ‘Best Supporting Actor’.
Greenfield – Jew; it is known that his bar mitzvah was stylized as a popular TV show ‘Saturday Night Live’ ( ‘Saturday Night Live’).
At the moment, the actor and his wife, chairwoman of the Department of selection of actors Tess Sanchez (Tess Sanchez), living in Los Angeles (Los Angeles). It is known that Max and Tess child. His three-year daughter Lily (Lily) Greenfield loves more than anything else; According to the actor, Lily is already two years showed an exceptional interest in letters and numbers. As he joked Max, now he can only hope that his success in the acting field will not affect the excessively gifted child in a negative way – after all, star glory in one form or another are subject to even quite mature minds. However, child-rearing Greenfield devotes as much time as you can, without even thinking about how to donate to the family for the sake of career, at least for a moment.
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