Marilyn Monroe

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Marilyn Monroe – one of the most recognizable and brightest actresses in the history of cinema, which has become the sex symbol of her time.
Norma Jeane Mortenson in baptism Norma Jean Baker, but for the whole world – Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles on June 1, 1926. Its first years of life and the answer to the question of who was still her father, still causes controversy among its researchers creativity. In 1934, the mother of the future actress declared insane, and she was in a mental hospital. Most childhood Norma Jeane spent in shelters. At 16, she began working at the aircraft plant and married Jim Dougherty. When he went to war, Norma began her career Centerfolds. At the end of 1944, Norma Jean met with the Army photographer who asked her and other attractive women to participate in a photo shoot for the magazine. Candid photographs were to raise the spirit of the military. The proposed fee was $ 5 an hour, and she agreed. In 1946, she divorced Jim started attending acting classes in Hollywood Actors Laboratory and literary studies at the University of California, and the film studio “Twentieth Century Fox” invited her to work showgirl. It was there that was born the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe, made up of the names of her grandmother, and the name of the actress Marilyn Miller.
In October 1948 he was released the film “Ladies of the Chorus”, filmed at the studio “Columbia Pictures”. It was the first film in which Marilyn played and sang. It was not her best film, but Monroe singing received admiring reviews. Then the actress has signed a seven year contract with Warner Bros. “Twentieth Century Fox” and took the lead role in the film “The Asphalt Jungle” (1950). In 1952 in the film “monkey work” the audience saw a dazzling Marilyn Monroe platinum blonde. The natural color of her hair – light chestnut, when Marilyn was just starting a career, she dyed blond in a bright yellow color, well, in the history of Marilyn Monroe became a blonde with platinum shade. After the film “Niagara” (1953) and “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (1953) Marilyn Monroe forever established the status of star and sex symbol. In March 1954, Marilyn received the “Most Popular Actress”. In 1955 in the film “The Seven Year Itch” Marilyn Monroe in one episode he appeared in a stunning white pleated dress, a skirt that fanned the air flow out of the subway. This piece was one of the most famous in the history of cinema.
In January 1954, Marilyn married baseball player Joe DiMaggio. This marriage lasted only 9 months since Joe was extremely jealous. However, in spite of everything, he loved her and kept all his life, even after the divorce. The actress has always had a stormy personal life. From bright novels focusing on relations with the brilliant actor Marlon Brando, the famous French singer Yves Montand, with US President John F. Kennedy. “It would be so nice to have a President who is so young and so good-looking,” – said about Marilyn Kennedy before he was elected, however, irrefutable evidence of their romance were not found until now. In 1956 the actress married the playwright Arthur Miller; the marriage lasted for about five years. Many Monroe creativity researchers claim that the actress wanted to get out of role silly blondes and suffered from lack of demand. She died on the night of August 5, 1962 at his home in California at the age of 36 from a lethal dose of sleeping pills. There are several versions of the cause of her death, including premeditated murder, but what was the real reason – unknown until now
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