Maria Bello

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Maria Bello – American actress. “Golden Globe” award nominee. Most gained fame for his role in “The Reckoning” films, “Thank You for Smoking,” “Jane Austen Book Club,” “Ransom” and in the TV series “ER.”
She was born April 18, 1967 in Pennsylvania. Her mother was a school teacher, and his father – procurement officer. Also in the family he had two sons and a daughter. After school, Mary continued her education in the field of political science at one of Philadelphia universities. At that time it for the fun began attending acting classes and, having finished his studies, he moved to live in New York. At the new place Bello went to drama school and soon made her debut on stage. Gradually she began to drop small roles in low-budget productions, as well as a role in «Maintenance» film. In the years to provide for themselves, Mary has combined the game in the theater with different underworking. As a result, in 1995, the actress has decided to leave New York and move into the capital of the film industry – Los Angeles. There, she was credited with successfully in the cast of the series “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” which quickly taken off the air. But, thanks to this opening, producers noticed her and gave a role in the popular TV series “ER.” Initially it was assumed that Mary will play in only a few episodes, but thanks to her brilliant game, the scenario has been changed, and the actress took to the permanent staff. So began her path to glory.
In 1999, Bello starred with Mel Gibson in “Payback” film, which earned her even more popular. Following her participation on the screens produced such notable films as “bar” Coyote Ugly”, ” and “Duets”. And in 2003, the actress was nominated for the prestigious award “Golden Globe” for his role in the film “brake”. The second nomination for this award, she was awarded two years later for the film “A History of Violence.” Other striking works of the period were the film “Thank You for Smoking”, “Twin Towers”, “Redemption”, “The Jane Austen” and “The Yellow Handkerchief.” And in 2008 it was noted in the blockbuster “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.” Also, the actress starred in such films as “The Private Lives of Pippa Lee”, “Classmates” and “The Chase.”
Mary is married to playwright Dean McDermott, and in 2001 the couple had a son. His hobbies include Thai boxing Muay Thai actress.
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