Marcia Gay Harden

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The success of the projects in which shone Marcia Gay Harden, owe much of this talented Hollywood actress. No wonder the American Film Academy has awarded its highest award in 2001 for their participation in the film “Pollock.” Marcia Gay Harden roles in “Mystic River,” “Meet Joe Black” and the series “Real” and “Service News” viewers remember vivid game and charisma.
career News
Marcia Gay Harden, who will soon celebrate its 56th birthday, has played a supporting role in the movie “50 shades of gray,” made a lot of noise and removed by the eponymous bestseller. It will recognize the role of Christian Grey’s adoptive mother – the main character of the novel.
Marsha childhood
The one who was destined to become the proud parents, was born in a large family: the third child of five. August 14, 1959 in the Californian city of La Jolla (USA) saw the light of a little march. Family naval officer moved a lot: in Japan, then in Greece and Germany, in the states of California and Maryland.
In 1976, the Clinton Marsh graduated from high school in Maryland. At that time it was nothing outstanding, but diligent and obedient pupil, of those who are usually praised and put another in the example.
Early Years future star
At the University of Texas at Austin and at the end of the school was chosen future actress. Becoming a bachelor of theater arts, an ambitious Marsha decided to go ahead and get another 2 Degree, this time in New York University.
Advances film career
Student film in 1979 became her acting debut. It was necessary to wait until 1990 to really assert themselves in the film “Miller’s Crossing” main, perfectly played the role. Promising, according to critics, the new actress did not try to rush the main roles. She was always more attracted contradictory character roles, resulting in the star’s best. His talent she showed, turned into images in a “second wind” to “Sinatra,” “The First Wives Club,” “Desperate Measures.”
2001 was marked by Marcia Gay Harden handing her an Oscar as the Best Supporting Actress for her to play Krasner in “Pollock.” Since then, the film and television producers are increasingly invited to the set of stellar laureate.
2004 delighted actress nomination for the Oscar nomination in the film “Mystic River.” Starring in the 2007 film “The Mist” and “Into the Wild,” Marsha again has not gone unnoticed in Hollywood film critics.
After a brilliant performance in the thriller “The Mist” Harden showed his acting talent in “The Dead Girl” and “invisible”.
Television and Marsha
Series «CBS Summer Playhouse», released in 1987, would pale without Kim, whose role has got to Marchais. Since that period, almost every year, many TV series, TV movies and pilots can not do without her.
Especially memorable steel heroine Harden of “Kocak not so blind” (1990), “Fever” (1991), “Sinatra” (1992), “Labor of Love” (1998), “Ghosts of the Past” (2000) and “It girls” (2004).
The famous TV series “Law & Order” presented Marché role, which was awarded an Emmy Award. Special Agent Dana Lewis charmed everyone.
Fresh TV projects may be noted participation in the series “Wife Trophy” (2013), where the actress played a great Diana.
Family life
Filming “Bar and Grill” Gunpowder “” in 1996 joined the march with her future husband. Thaddeus Schill devoted to her, and to this day, they are together – happy parents daughter Grace Edualy (1998) and twins daughters Dzhulitty Dee and son Hudson Harden (2006). Family actress has apartments in New York.
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