Macaulay Culkin

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Macaulay Culkin was born August 26, 1980 in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York and was the third child of Patricia and Keith Culkin. Total wife raised seven children. Then no one could not have imagined that the day will come when a little Macaulay get into the Guinness Book of Records for the multimillion-dollar fees before his majority.
In early childhood, Culkin family was experiencing financial difficulties, and their life was very difficult. Nine people lived in a small apartment. The head of the family Culkin, a former Broadway actor, he served in the Protestant church, and his mother worked as a telephone operator. Before becoming one of the most famous Hollywood actors, children, Macaulay, like all his brothers and sisters, was raised in the Catholic tradition, and 5 years he studied at the Catholic school. After many friends and acquaintances of the family began to notice the boy acting skills, the parents decided to write it in drama school. Soon six Macaulay began to appear on television and in various commercials. Due to the employment Macaulay even had to go to school, where students from childhood to act in films and played on the theater grounds that it was incompatible with the curriculum in mainstream schools.
His very first stage role Culkin played already four years. And it happened in the New York Philharmonic. Already in the next, 1985, Culkin played his first movie scene, in the movie “In the Midnight Hour”. This was followed by a noticeable role. In the series “The Equalizer” small Culkin appeared as a kidnapped child, but his first major film role was in the film Macaulay John Hughes’ “Uncle Buck”, filmed in 1989. During the filming of this movie was an acquaintance, which forever changed the life of a small Culkin. He met with director Chris Columbus, who was looking for an actor for a role in his new comic strip.
In 1990, on wide screens out comedy “Home Alone”. For the first six months of the global box office film grossed half a billion dollars, and fee of Culkin became incredible one hundred thousand dollars. Playing in the “Home Alone” actor has brought worldwide fame and numerous awards, the title of “Child of the Year” and the status of the best comedian of the year. Despite the newfound popularity, Macaulay did not cease to act on the stage. Halls were packed with spectators eager to see the young star. Very soon the glory overtakes Macaulay, proposals for the shooting is not the end, and he has to say goodbye to the theater. Fees are also growing. During the shooting of the second part of “Home Alone” actor has received $ 5 million. Father Culkin becomes his agent and manager. Time to study does not remain at all. Culkin, Sr. took over the control over the financial part of the stormy career of her minor son, and the role of the agent, leading talks about the shooting.
Follow a few very high-paying roles in “The Good Son” films “Along with his father” and “Richie Rich”. Control of the father, as a result, had a negative impact on the career of Macaulay. For the film “Along with his father” and “Richie Rich” worst actor Macaulay recognized according to the anti-Oscar awards “Golden Raspberry”. This leads to the fact that Culkin’s mother accused her husband that because his son will not be able to regain its former relevance in the film and his career ruined. They parted. Mom persuaded her son no longer accept the dubious role. Soon the offers on the shooting stopped coming altogether and film Culkin is no longer appearing. He went back to school, became interested in philosophy. In the late 90s even he married his seventeen year old girlfriend Rachel Miner. But they divorced after 2 years. Years later Macaulay decided to once again try his hand at acting. In 2003, screens out the film “Party Monster” with his participation. And he fails again. This was followed by a couple of high-profile roles, not that also ended in failure. Who is Macaulay Culkin name appears only in the tabloids that discuss whether it is drug addiction or a failed love affair with the famous actress Mila Kunis. Will come back any more Culkin in the movie remains a big question.
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