Lynda Boyd

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Lynda Boyd – BIOGRAPHY
Lynda Boyd (January 28, 1965, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) – Canadian actress, film director, screenwriter, producer, singer and dancer. Lynda Boyd was born on January 28, 1965 in Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada). Linda appeared in films since 1986 and it is currently played in more than 120 films and TV series; also playing in theaters. One of her most famous film roles is Nora Carpenter film of David Ellis ‘Final Destination 2’ (2003). In 2000, Linda made her debut as a screenwriter, writing the script for the episode “Whose gift anyway?” TV series “You, me and the children.” In 2003, Linda made her debut as a director and producer with the short film “Tuya East”, to which she also wrote the script. Linda is also a singer and a dancer.
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