Lucy Liu

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Lucy Alexis Liu – American actress, model, artist and film producer. He is famous for his role in Ling in the comedy-drama series, David E. Kelly’s “Ally McBeal,” Alex Manda in the full-length version of McGee adventure comedy “Charlie’s Angels” about Rey Ishii in Action Quentin Tarantino’s “Kill Bill” Pearl in the crime drama Brian Helgeland, John Peace “Reckoning” Kitty Baxter in the musical Rob Marshall’s “Chicago” and dubbing Master Viper in the movie Mark Osborne and John Stevenson’s “Kung Fu Panda”.
Lucy Liu was born December 2, 1968 in Queens on Long Island. While in high school, the girl took themselves middle name “Alexis”. She grew up with her brother John and her sister Jenny, and was the youngest in the family. Their father, Tom worked as a civil engineer, and his mother, Cecilia – a biochemist. Both came from Taiwan. For a long time, parents had to earn extra to feed their families and provide children with a decent education. Their concerns Lucy learned to speak Chinese, although it remained the main language of English. She was trained in the Joseph Pulitzer Middle School and graduated from high school Stuyvesant High School. After the release of the girl was admitted to New York University, but quickly moved up in Michigan, where she became a member of the sorority Omega Chi. Some time in parallel with the studies she worked as a waitress. Lucy graduated from university with a degree in Asian languages and cultures.
Her debut work in film has become a Chinese crime drama Keung Lau Wei’s “Rhythm of Destiny” (1992). A year later, Lucy invited an unknown at the time, an aspiring film director Darren Aronofsky in his short drama “Protozoa”. After a couple of years, Liu starred in the crime tape Ash Baron-Cohen’s “Pointing”. In 1996, screens out sports comedy Cameron Crowe’s “Jerry Maguire” with Tom Cruise in the lead role, where Lucy appeared in an episode of the former girlfriend of the hero. Since then, the actress began to receive invitations to more large-scale projects. So, along with Tim Roth and Tupac Shakur, she starred in the comedy blockbuster Vonda Curtis-Hall “in an impasse”, and then – with Harvey Keitel and Timothy Hutton in the thriller by John Irving “area of crime.” The first notable work was the role of Lucy in the criminal Brian Helgeland film “Payback”. Her partner on the set proved to Mel Gibson. In 1999, the actress appeared in Detective Clint Eastwood’s “True Crime”, in a pseudo-documentary film Jeff Abugova “The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human” and Ron Shelton’s sports drama “Beat the bone” with Woody Harrelson and Antonio Banderas in the lead roles. Later, Liu appeared in the form of Princess Pei Pei in the adventure comedy by Tom Dey “Shanghai Noon,” which starred Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson. But the real high point of the actress took place in 2000, when it adopted the role of Alex Munday – one of the girls working at the agency investigations, McG action adventure “Charlie’s Angels.”
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