Liza Minnelli

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The American pop singer, theater and film actress.
She was born March 12, 1946 in Los Angeles, California, USA in the family of a famous Hollywood film director Vincent Minnelli and Judy Garland movie star.
With seven years he has been performing in concerts with her mother in New York. Since 1964, he toured in London, Paris, Monte Carlo, was singing in nightclubs. For the first time on the theater stage I was in New York in the musical “The best football forward” (1963 Award “The Theatre World Award’s”). In 1965 he starred in the Broadway production of “Flora – Red Menace” (the prize “Tony”).
In the film debuted in 1949 at the age of three years in the film “Good old summer”, where the main role was played by her mother, Judy Garland.
In 1966, she performed a cameo role of Eliza in “Charlie Bubbles”. In 1969 he played an eccentric teenage girl in the film directed by Alan Pakula “Waste cuckoo”.
World fame Liza Minnelli brought the role of Sally Bowles in the movie version of the musical “Cabaret” (1972, dir. Bob Fosse).
The actress managed to naturally exist in the song and dance scenes of the film, Minnelli has demonstrated the whole palette of the actor’s expressive lyricism to buffoonery, a remarkable vocal skills.
In 1976 he played in a duo with the great Ingrid Bergman in the film of his father Vincent Minnelli “It’s show time”, the film had the expected success.
Among the best roles – Francine Evans in a retro-musical Martin Scorsese’s “Synecdoche, New York” (1977), Linda Moran tank in the comedy “Arthur” (1981), a call girl Della Roberts in the crime comedy Jerry London “Police on employment “(1987).
Actively working on the stage, on tour with concert tours, starred in the TV series as a guest star.
In 1997 he returned to the Broadway stage.
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