Lisa Bonet

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Born November 16, 1967
Place of birth San Francisco, California, USA
American actress.
Full name – Lisa Michelle Bonet.
Lisa Bonet was born in a family of opera singer and teacher. After high school, he was admitted to the Hollywood studio, where she began diligently studying acting skills.
For the first time it appeared on the screen in one of the series in 1983. Best known for her role as Denise Huxtable Kendall in the popular sitcom “The Cosby Show.” For this role, she won the “Emmy” in 1986. A year later he appeared in the film “Angel Heart” and the TV series “Another World.” She starred in the films “Death Us”, “fanatic,” “Enemy of the State”, “bikers”, “Life on Mars”.
However, the family is the actress in the first place, and she enjoyed raising three children.
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