Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi

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Birthday: June 24, 1987
Place of birth: Rosario, Argentina
Nationality: Argentina
The football career of this Argentine striker began in 1995, in 2000 at the age of 13, Lionel Messi crossed the Atlantic to find his luck in Barcelona.
Messi has achieved striking success in each of the team’s age levels. In the season 2003-2004, when he was only 16, Messi made his debut in the team in a friendly match with “Porto”, which celebrated the opening of the new stadium “Dragoo”. The following season, the first official appearance of Messi took place on October 16, 2004, in the victorious match of Barcelona against Espanyol at the Olympic Stadium (0-1).
With some interruptions, Lionel Messi appeared on the field, and on May 1, 2005 he was included in the main team, and became the youngest player in the history of Barcelona, ​​and scored a goal against the Albacete, he was 17 years old, 10 months and 7 days.
At the youth championship of the world held in the Netherlands, Lionel Messi with his team not only won the championship, but was recognized as the best player in the tournament. By the age of 18, he was recognized as one of the most outstanding football players in the world. With the composition of the main team of Argentina, he appeared in a friendly against Hungary.
His biggest achievements were recorded for the 2005-2006 season, which began with a vivid game against the Italian “Juventus”. He also distinguished himself in the Santiago Bernabéu, in an unforgettable victory match of Barcelona (3-0), as well as in the Champions League against Chelsea.
Unfortunately, due to injuries Messi was forced to miss most of the Champions League games, but despite this he scored eight goals. Lionel Messi was recognized as the best young player in Europe in 2005, according to Tuttosport. The winner scored 225 points, in a survey conducted among thirty journalists representing the most influential sports publications of the continent.
The first World Championship for Messi was the World Championship in Germany in 2006. But, unfortunately, after a number of successful victories such as: a victory over the national team of Serbia and Montenegro with a score of 6: 0 or a victory over Mexico in the 1/8 finals with a score of 2: 1, the Argentina team in 1 lost to the hosts of the tournament to the Germans in 1/4 finals in the series after – match penalties. And Lionel Messi scored one goal.


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