Linda Gray

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Talented American actress, winner of Emmy television award. Linda played a lot of interesting roles on television and – perform many other duties, including the director was the popular show.
Linda Ann Gray was born on September 12, 1940 in Santa Monica, California. Linda’s acting career drew from an early age. Grey nice studied and eventually received a good education.
Her first appearance on the screen showed real creativity Linda and contributed to its further advancement through the ranks. By the way, how many actresses, actress own career began with work model – she often appeared on billboards.
Of particular success came to the actress in the nineties. Then she is actively playing in soap operas, popular among filmmakers and movie fans day
In 2001, the actress starred in a lyrical comedy «The Graduate (Graduate)”. In the year 2006 Linda Gray took part in the filming of the short film “Reflections of Life”, which once again proved itself and your own creativity.
In general, the actress never confined exclusively acting. In addition, Linda has been involved in various social activities and periodically occupied responsible positions.
Life actress – a marriage with Ed Transfers length in twenty years. Linda and Ed gave birth to two children – Jeff and Kehl. At present, children of the family Grey managed to please their parents grandchildren. The younger sister of actresses – Betty – passed away in 1989, the year. It is long and seriously ill, and ultimately unable to cope with an incurable disease.
This year for Linda one of the heaviest.
According to the information on the website of actress Linda Gray recently traveled to Nicaragua. The purpose of the trip was a documentary about the local health care, protection of children and women. In this case, Linda acted as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations.
In 2008, the year of Linda Gray – member of the Women’s Festival in California and Arizona – Women’s Festivals.
Her passion for creativity timeless – the actress is still in the course of creative events.
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