Liev Schreiber

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Liev Schreiber – American film and theater actor, also succeeded as a film director, producer and script author. Best known for the films “Kate and Leopold,” “The Painted Veil” and the horror-trilogy “Scream”.
Isaac Liev Schreiber, referred to in some sources as Liev Schreiber, was born on October 4, 1967 in the district town of the State of California – San Francisco. He became the first and only child married Heather and Tell Schreiber. The actor veins flows the blood of a multinational. Mother Liva, known in narrow circles of the artist, originally Jewish, Polish, Ukrainian and German roots. His father, a recognized theater actor and director, owes its origin to the ancestors from Australia, Ireland, Scotland and Switzerland. Shortly after his son’s birth, the couple moved from the United States to Canada. However, after the sudden divorce of his parents, four Liv with her mother again returned to America. They settled in the south-east of Manhattan’s Lower East Side, where he passed his childhood Schreiber. However, it’s childhood was far from straightforward. Mother of the future famous actor had a lot of work to support herself and her son, and the Liv was caught several times for minor theft, for which he later was sent to live in a religious community in Connecticut. Some time later, when his mother and spiritual leaders felt that the re-Liv and realized his error, he again began to live with his mother in New York.
As a public school student, the young Schreiber became interested in sports and show good results. Despite this, it was not popular, but on the contrary, the other students of the school of his hand, spreading various rumors about his family and the alleged criminal past. When he went to a private school called «Friends Seminary», Liv suddenly found himself became interested in theater and has become a regular participant in school plays. Then he entered the College of Hampshire, where he continued to hone his acting skills as part of the troupe. In addition, he was a graduate of the School of Dramatic Art in one of the most prestigious universities in the world at Yale, as well as some time was attending acting classes at the London Royal Academy. Due to its persistence, leaving behind not the most secure childhood and received a very good education, Liev Schreiber began to move to the top of a successful acting career.
He started with small roles in independent films, but even there, the actor showed high-end craftsmanship, for which he was awarded the nomination of one of the communities of this area of cinema. A ticket to the world of cinema actor received a role in the crime thriller of Wes Craven’s “Scream”, by which was seen by many renowned directors. In 1996, he appeared in the drama movie film by Greg Mottola “Daytime travelers”, and then movies with Schreiber began to emerge one after another. Among the most controversial film in the career of an actor can be noted sci-fi thriller “Phantoms”, the drama “The Hurricane,” thriller “The Sum of All Fears”, the blockbuster 2011 “Salt” and dozens of others. One of the most successful projects of Liev Schreiber as a director was the dramatic film “The light around”, the main role which played Elijah Wood. In recognition of Schreiber, this picture, he gave a lot of effort also because she was very biographical for him.
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