Lesley-Ann Brandt

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Short biography
Career: Actress
Height: 1.70 m
Name: Lesley-Ann Brandt
Date of Birth: December 2, 1981 | Sagittarius
Place of birth: Cape Town, South Africa
Genres: Drama, Action, Comedy
Lesley-Ann Brandt was born and raised in Cape Town (South Africa). In his youth, Lesley-Anne was fond of hockey on grass. She immigrated to Auckland with his parents and younger brother in 1999. Lesley-Ann Brandt, first worked in retail sales in Auckland and IT-consultant.
She rather quickly attracted the attention of local assistant directors, who advised her to take the actor’s craft. In 2008, after school lessons and acting work, she performed her first major role in the comedy “Diplomatic Immunity» (Diplomatic Immunity), winning the hearts of the audience by playing along with Craig Parker.
In 2010, she played the role of a slave Nevii in “Spartacus: Blood and Sand” series (Spartacus: Blood and Sand). In this project she co-starred with actors already taken place and is now widely regarded as one of the “erupted movie stars.”
In addition, Lesley-Ann Brandt works with other projects. For example, she played a cameo role in the movie “It’s not my life» (This is not My Life, 2010) from the company Lionsgate, as she played as a guest actress in a TV series on the ABC “Legend of the Seeker» (Legend of the Seeker). out the drama with her participation titled «Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell» In 2010, the year.
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