Laure Guibert

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Birthday: 20.02.1968 year
Place of birth: Nantes, France
Citizenship: France
French actress, dekorator.
She became famous thanks to TV series AB Production in 1990. She played the role of Benedict (aka Ben), a friend of Jose in the beginning in the youth series “Helen and the boys” (FR. ), and then in its continuation “Dreams of love” and “Vacation love”.Laura Guibert’s married and has two young daughters. Laura has a brother Frank. She loves scuba diving, and food prefer pancakes from his native Brittany.After graduating from the Academy of arts in Rennes (Brittany), Laura went to conquer Paris. She worked as a decorator-designer film sets for commercials and television until she was offered the role of Ben in the TV series “Helen and the boys” .In the TV series “Helen and the boys”, “Dreams of love” and “Holiday of love” Laura played the role of Benedict (Ben), the girls from Brittany, who came to Paris to study at the University. In Paris with her company met Helen to find a girl for josé (his show plays Philip Vasser). Since the character of Laura Guibert was one of the main in a trilogy about Helen and the boys, her character, long bear infidelity Jose, very liked by the audience for their kindness and patience.
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