Kathleen Quinlan

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Born November 19, 1954 / ’61
Place of birth Pasadena, California, USA
Awards and Prizes
1 Oscar nomination
2 Golden Globe nominations
American actress.
Full name – Kathleen Denise Quinlan.
Kathleen Quinlan film debut took place in 1972 in the teen comedy of George Lucas’ “American Graffiti.” Starred in the films “Airport 77”, “I never promised you a rose garden”, “Twilight Zone”, “Clara’s Heart”, “The Doors”, “The Hills Have Eyes,” “Friend of the bride”, “Once.” Many successful actress and worked in television. She starred in TV series “House MD”, “Chorus”, “Escape” and others.
Since 1994 Kathleen Quinlan is married to actor Bruce Abbott, from whom she had two children.
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