Karl Urban

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Karl Urban – New Zealand actor. Widely known through her roles in the films “The Lord of the Rings,” “The Bourne Supremacy,” “milk price” and “The Chronicles of Riddick.”
Born June 7, 1972 in Wellington. His father was the owner of Leather processing factory, and his mother was engaged in producing activities. So from an early age the boy often had to happen on the set. A first role he got was eight years old when he began to play in one of the television series. In school, Charles began to try himself in writing scripts and played on the stage.
After secondary education, he became a student of University of Victoria in Wellington. Already in his student years, he got the role in the main cast of the popular TV series “Shortland Street”. In connection with the active shooting he had to leave his studies. At the same time actively Urban played in theater productions, so that he soon moved to live in the capital – the city of Auckland, where his acting career began to develop more rapidly. The increasing popularity and contributed to the shooting on such series as “Xena – Warrior Princess,” “Hercules Legendary Journeys.” Other notable bands with its participation became melodrama “The price of milk” and the horror film “Ghost Ship.” Shortly thereafter, Carl has to offer and become role in Hollywood blockbusters, including “The Bourne Supremacy,” “Lord of the Rings,” “The Chronicles of Riddick” and the film adaptation of the legendary game “of Doom”. At one time, Urban even considered for the role of James Bond in “Casino Royale.” In the years that followed was marked by an actor in films such as “Star Trek” and “RED” and among his last works of bright ribbon “Shepherd” and “Judge Dredd 3D”. In his spare time Carl enjoys fishing, surfing and golf.
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